Functional Medicine

Terry Wahls: Applying Functional Medicine to Reverse Multiple Sclerosis

By Erik Goldman, Editor

When Dr. Terry Wahls first began speaking about how she had reversed her own case of multiple sclerosis using nutritional and lifestyle interventions, she was quite literally banned by the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. “They told me I was creating false hope,” she says. Fortunately, things have changed. Over the last decade, Wahls has helped hundreds of MS patients slow the disease progression and in some cases reverse it completely. And the MS Society now funds her research.

Two Landmark Studies Shed New Light–and Shadow– on Omega-3s for CVD

By William H. Harris, PhD, Contributing Writer

Two pivotal studies on omega-3s —the long awaited REDUCE-IT and VITAL trials, attempt to clarify the clinical roles of omega-3s for cardiovascular risk reduction. While many of the mainstream headlines took a negative view of the findings, the data actually show some meaningful benefits from omega-3s. Dr. Bill Harris, developer of the Omega-3 Index test, weighs in on the negative and positive messags of these important studies.

“Don’t Fall in the Ditch:” How to Help Patients Prevent Autoimmune Flares

By Kristen Schepker, Assistant Editor

When treating patients with complex autoimmune diseases, it’s advantageous to, “think of the patient’s biology like a landscape,” proposed Samuel Yanuck, DC, FACFN, at the Institute for Functional Medicine’s 2018 Annual International Conference in Hollywood, FL. Imagine a meadow. An “autoimmune flare is a ditch in the meadow,” he suggested. The question to ask is: “How far are they from the ditch?” 

To Help Patients with Irritable Bowel, Clinicians Need to “DIGIN”

By Kristen Schepker, Assistant Editor

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) “is a very serious condition that needs aggressive intervention,” said Gerard Mullin, MD, MS, at the Institute for Functional Medicine’s recent 2018 Annual International Conference in Hollywood, Florida. While conventional medicine offers drugs for symptom management, Mullin believes that to truly heal IBD, clinicians need to “DIGIN,” and work holistically to address the multiple facets of this condition. His DIGIN protocol offers good guidance.