Practice Development

The Leapfrog Effect: New Tech Moves Tests, Treatments Out of the Clinic

By Erik Goldman

For a lot of people these days, medical clinics are no longer the center of the healthcare equation like they were in the past: their smartphones are now the point of focus. An astonishing number of medical tests, treatments, and services have jumped out of the clinic and into peoples’ daily lives via their computers, […]

Fullscript’s New Goal: Minimize Dx Lab Test Hassles

By Erik Goldman

Diagnostic testing is an essential element of modern clinical practice. But for many practitioners, it is also a major source of headaches. Multiple accounts with different labs, opaque pricing, variations in insurance coverage, tracking patient compliance, compiling and interpreting results, scheduling follow-up visits, translating data into patient-friendly treatment plans….let’s be honest: diagnostic testing is fraught […]

Three Ways Supplement Companies Deceive You—And Your Patients

By Administrator

There are significant gaps in the regulation of the supplement industry, resulting in a situation where some companies are producing excellent, safe, and effective products with exacting quality standards, while others are not.  In this free webinar, we’ll go over how you as a clinician, and your patients, can tell the difference. Specifically, we will […]

How One Non-Profit is Freeing Millions from Medical Debt

By Janet Gulland, Contributing Writer

Over the last decade, a non-profit organization called RIP Medical Debt has quietly emancipated millions of Americans from the crippling burden of healthcare bills that they simply cannot afford to pay. How? By using funds contributed by donors large and small to buy debts for pennies on the dollar—at the same prices that collections agencies […]

Telemedicine on the Rise in Holistic Healthcare

By Erik Goldman

Telemedicine is now commonplace in holistic medical practices, and practitioners who offer teleconsultations are very satisfied with the experience. That’s one of the main findings from Holistic Primary Care’s 2023 practitioner survey, conducted over the summer in collaboration with Nutrition Business Journal. The 70-question survey covered a broad range of topics—from the impact of the […]

Webinar: Understanding the Impact of California’s AB 2098 on Practitioners and the Natural Product Industry

By Erik Goldman

Last summer, the California legislature passed a new law (AB 2098) deputizing the state’s medical board to take disciplinary action—including revocation of licenses—against MDs and DOs who spread Covid-related “disinformation” or “misinformation.” While clearly intended to target doctors who question or criticize federal and state vaccine policies, AB 2098 is based on a broad definition […]

Eyeing Practice Evolution, Fullscript Acquires Emerson

By Erik Goldman

Fullscript CEO Kyle Braatz is on what he calls a “forever” mission: to establish a comprehensive technological infrastructure for the transformation of integrative and functional medicine into simply “medicine.” With the acquisition of its main competitor, Emerson Ecologics, Fullscript has taken a major step toward fulfillment of that mission. The deal, announced in mid-March, will […]

Single-Payer Healthcare, Just Not THAT Single-Payer

By Grant Jackson, MD, Contributing Writer

Among his many celebrated lines, Scottish economist Adam Smith–the original spokesman for capitalism—wrote in 1776: “It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own self-interest.”  Ahhh, the free market, in which our rational self-interests will keep all of […]

Caring for Cancer Survivors: An Opportunity For Holistic Practitioners

By Grant Jackson, MD, Contributing Writer

Stacy Ford was in her early forties when her doctor first noticed a lump in her left breast.  She was worried, but thought that at her age it would be unusual to have breast cancer.  But a suspicious mammogram and further testing confirmed a ductal carcinoma. She met with her oncology team (including her oncologist […]

Wellevate Aims to Take The Headaches Out of Lab Testing

By Erik Goldman

Lab work. It is an essential part of any medical practice, especially in functional medicine clinics. It can also be a big hassle factor for practitioners and patients alike. While companies like Quest and Labcorp have done a good job of bundling standard conventional lab tests into single one-stop shops, so to speak, the situation […]