Practice Development

Home Sleep Monitoring Opens Gateway for Better Apnea Control

By Lee A. Surkin MD, FACC, FCCP | Contributing Writer - Vol. 10, No. 1. , 2009

Sleep apnea is common, debilitating and sometimes deadly. In the past, diagnosis involved costly sleep labs. New home monitoring devices provide greater patient comfort, save money, and generate revenue for primary care. Dr. Lee Surkin shares his clinical experience.

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Heal Thy Practice: New Dates, New Features Offer Greater Value

By Administrator

Holistic Primary Care’s Heal Thy Practice: Transforming Primary Care, conference has been re-scheduled for June 5-7, 2009, at the Westin Paloma in Tucson, AZ. The new Spring program offers considerable savings and several new features that will increase the value for physician attendees.

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Physicians, Techies & Policymakers Try to Close the Primary Care IT Gap

By Erik L. Goldman | Editor-in-Chief - Vol. 9, No. 3. , 2008

If well designed and carefully implemented, electronic medical records (EMRs) can improve patient care, reduce medical errors and save physicians a lot of money. But cost factors and time demands have conspired so that fewer than 10% of all solo and small group practices have EMRs. A growing number of IT-savvy physicians, software designers and policymakers hope to change that.

To Restore Health to Your Practice, Treat It Like a Patient

By Janet Gulland | Contributing Writer - Vol. 9, No. 2. , 2008

A medical practice is like an organism; it can be well-functioning, healthy and vibrant, or it can be dysfunctional and diseased. By applying the principles of holistic medicine, and looking closely at how time, money, and energy flows through their offices, doctors can learn how to “diagnose” and ultimately heal their practices.

New Board Offers Nutrition Certification for All Licensed Health Care Professionals

By Arthur A. Fierro, DC | Contributing Writer - Vol. 9, No. 2. , 2008

In an effort to improve nutrition education for all health care professionals, he American Clinical Board of Nutrition (ACBN) has launched the first federally-recognized nutrition science certification program. Certification is open to licensed health professionals from any and all of the healing disciplines.

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Phototherapy a Safe, Effective Treatment for Acne, Psoriasis & Other Skin Disorders

By Janet Gulland | Contributing Writer - Vol. 9, No. 1. , 2008

Phototherapy, the application of carefully-controlled pulses of light directly to the skin surface, is a highly effective and safe technique enabling primary care physicians to treat acne, psoriasis and other common, chronic skin disorders.

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Heal Thy Practice Conference Highlights Economic Solutions for Holistic Healthcare

By Administrator - Vol. 9, No. 1. , 2008

Real health care reform is taking place in the clinics of doctors who’ve reclaimed their noble calling as healers, and who’ve created new business models for truly health-oriented, prevention-centered care. Holistic Primary Care is pround to announce our first conference, “Heal Thy Practice: Transforming Primary Care,” an intensive program focused on business development and practice management strategies that can empower physicians desiring to develop a thriving holistic practice.

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Defining Your Values Is Key to Building a Healthy Practice

By Erik L. Goldman | Editor in Chief - Vol. 8, No. 4. , 2007

Now more than ever, the nation needs health care systems that focus on prevention. Equally pressing is the need to restore economic viability to primary care and rebuild physician-patient relationships. The changes will only come when doctors re-define their professional values and restructure their practices accordingly. Dr. Elson Haas, a holistic pioneer with more than 30 years’ experience, reflects on the values underlying his thriving practice.

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Fee-for-Service, Concierge Practice: The Right Models for Holistic Care?

By August West | Contributing Writer - Vol. 9, No. 3. , 2008

Despite the rapid growth of public interest in holistic medicine, and broader acceptance in medical circles, most Americans are hard-pressed to find physicians who provide comprehensive holistic care. Because most holistic services are not covered by insurance, doctors are obliged to develop new practice models outside the insurance framework. Fee-for-service and concierge care hold great appeal, but also present significant challenges.

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