Functional Medicine

Restoring Digestive Health is Key to Optimizing Weight Loss

By August West | Contributing Writer - Vol. 10, No. 4. , 2009

The problem with most medical weight loss programs is that they focus too much on weight loss and not nearly enough on overall health. Somae Health is a new 12-week, medically guided weight management program that begins with restoration of healthy gastrointestinal function.

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Popularity of Bioidentical Hormones Puts Spotlight on Compounding Pharmacies

By Erik L. Goldman | Editor-in-Chief - Vol. 10, No. 4. , 2009

The rising popularity of bioidentical hormones, HCG-based weight loss protocols, and chelation has fostered a resurgence of compounding pharmacies in recent years. Regulation and quality control in the compounding industry are tighter than many doctors realize.

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H1N1 is No Match for a Well-Primed Immune System

By Roby Mitchell, MD | Contributing Writer - Vol. 10, No. 4. , 2009

Maintaining the functional integrity of the innate immune complex through a vegetable-rich diet, and immune enhancing vitamins & minerals obviates the need to fret over which strain of flu virus will predominate. A competent immune system will defend against them all.

Chronic Fatigue, Cardiomyopathy & Oxidative Stress: New Thinking Opens New Approaches

By Allison Templet | Contributing Writer - Vol. 9, No. 3. , 2008

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), one of the most vexing conditions for patients and doctors alike, reflects a state of oxygen toxicity, and management of oxidative stress appears to be a key to reversing the fatigue, pain, and neuropsychological complaints associated with this disorder, says Paul R. Cheney, MD, PhD, a pioneer in the clinical research of CFS.

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Breast Thermography: Can It Open a Window for Breast Cancer Prevention?

By Erik L. Goldman | Editor-in-Chief - Vol. 9, No. 3. , 2008

Breast thermography is safe, radiation-free, relatively inexpensive, and it can detect early and possibly reversible metabolic and vascular changes associated with later growth of breast cancer. Though underutilized in the US, it is poised for a resurgence.

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Digital Pulse Wave Analysis Offers Non-Invasive Early Heart Risk Assessment

By August West | Contributing Writer - Vol. 10, No. 2. , 2009

Central Aortic Systolic Pressure (CASP) is one of the most powerful early predictors of cardiovascular risk. New digital pulse wave analysis technology is putting this valuable test in the hands of preventive primary care doctors.

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A Role for Probiotics in Preventing, Treating Bacterial Vaginosis

By Brad J. Douglass, PhD | Contributing Writer - Vol. 10, No. 2. , 2009

Say the word “probiotic” and people think, “gastrointestinal health.” That’s natural, since probiotics are invaluable in the management of digestive system problems. But they are also helpful for other health challenges, including infections of the female urogenital tract, like bacterial vaginosis, vulvovaginal candidiasis and related problems.

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Functional Approaches to Pain Management: Highlights of the 15th Symposium on Functional Medicine

By Allison Templet | Contributing Writer - Vol. 10, No. 1. , 2009

Pain is a highly individual experience, and therefore demands a personalized approach for its management. For each patient, various psychosocial, biomedical, and environmental factors converge to produce pain that is unique to that individual.

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Oximation in Practice: Listen for the Fuse, Don’t Wait for the Bomb

By Roby Mitchell, MD | Contributing Writer - Vol. 10, No. 1. , 2009

Whether you’re looking at arthritis or atherosclerosis, psoriasis or sinusitis, asthma or acne, the “usual suspects” of inflammation and oxidative damage, aka “oximation” show up in the affec

Some of the most important things I learned in medical school I learned from an oncologist, Dr. Phillip Perriman. He stressed the importance of keeping up with medical research by reading journals, and gave me my first exposure to the power of fruits and vegetables to influence cancer risk.

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GGT: An Accurate, Inexpensive Predictor of Cardiometabolic Risk

By Erik L. Goldman | Editor-in-Chief - Vol. 9, No. 4. , 2008

Gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT) is a hepatic enzyme that indicates levels of oxidative stress in the liver. A large body of research suggests that it can also predict onset of insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. At under $10 per test, it could be a very valuable asset in clinical practice.

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