Chronic Disease

Pain Brain: Chronic Pain Drives Cognitive Decline

By Jacob Teitelbaum, MD, Contributing Writer

A massive new study of data from over 19,000 individuals shows that chronic pain is associated with loss of hippocampal volume and increased risk of dementia. Compared with pain-free control subjects, those who had five or more areas of chronic pain showed neurological changes equivalent to eight years of excess brain aging (Zhao W, et […]

Low-Dose Naltrexone to Quell Chronic Pain & Cut Dementia Risk

By Jacob Teitelbaum, MD, Contributing Writer

If naltrexone was still patentable, you can be certain that the pharmaceutical industry would make sure that every physician was using it to treat patients experiencing chronic pain. It would also probably cost around $24,000 a year. But this drug is 60 years old, and available for about 75 cents per day. Since it is […]

Vitamin B12 Deficiency Often Eludes Detection

By Jill C. Carnahan, MD, Contributing Writer

Vitamin B12 deficiency is more common than many people realize. Large epidemiological surveys suggest that roughly 6% of all US adults under age 60 years are deficient, with the number rising to about 20% in people over age 60. Some estimates put the prevalence as high as 25%. Those are certainly big numbers, but recent […]

Dispelling the Mythology Of Low Midlife Metabolism

By Erik Goldman

It’s a common clinical scenario: A middle-aged patient comes in, saying something like, “I used to be so thin and now I’m not. I exercise as much as I did when I was younger, and I eat the same. But I keep gaining weight. I just can’t keep it off. It must be my metabolism.” […]

Diet, Inflammation, and Immunity: Modern & Traditional Perspectives

By Erik Goldman

Ayurveda–India’s 4,000-year-old system of medicine–can provide modern healthcare professions with many time-tested, lifestyle-based approaches to mitigate the burden of chronic inflammatory diseases that affect so many of our patients. In this free webinar, the core faculty members of the Maharishi International University (MIU)–the leading US ayurvedic training center–share their experience applying ayurvedic principles for improving […]

Anti-Nutrients: Finding the Forest for the Trees

By Deanna Minich, PhD, CNS, Contributing Writer

In recent years, a number of prominent health influencers have embraced the idea that there is a “plant paradox,” and that people should stop eating kale and other common vegetables because they’re allegedly full of toxic “anti-nutrients” such as lectins, oxalates, goitrogens, tannin, and phytates. In promoting this view, they are overturning decades of research—as […]

Hormone Replacement Therapy & Bone Health: Cyplexinol Nutritional Support

By Administrator

On average, women’s bone density decreases by 10% during the five years of menopause, due to changes in estrogen. While Hormone Replacement Therapy offers support in maintaining bone health, there can be a precipitous loss when women discontinue HRT. Along with the decline in estrogen, there is a concurrent 40% drop in production of bone-stimulating […]

Eosinophilic Esophagitis on the Rise, Responsive to Diet Changes

By Erik Goldman

Prevalence of eosinic esophagitis is rising the US. Though seldom life-threatening, this condition is highly burdensome for those affected. Over the long term, it can have detrimental impact on nutritional status and overall health. Fortunately, EoE is often responsive to dietary interventions if carefully implemented, said Bethany Doerfler, MS, RD, at the 2023 Integrative Healthcare […]

Probiotics in Clinical Practice: Simple Stories, Complex Realities

By Erik Goldman

Twenty years ago, “the microbiome” was an obscure little domain within microbiology, and the term probiotic, to the extent anyone had heard it at all, usually meant eating yogurt and fermented vegetables in the vague hope it would promote longevity.  Today, the microbiome is one of the most widely known and fastest growing healthcare phenomena […]

Frequent Coffee Consumption Reduces Womens’ Diabetes Risk

By Erik Goldman

Good news for women who love coffee. Those who drink 4 or more cups of caffeinated coffee daily have a markedly lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes compared with those who drink less than one. That’s the conclusion from a recent prospective study involving 4,522 women with prior histories of gestational diabetes, who were […]