Chronic Disease

Resisting Insulin Resistance: Early Detection, Intensive Nutritional Therapy Is Key

By Erik L. Goldman | Editor in Chief - Vol. 7, No. 4. , 2006

Early detection of metabolic syndrome and swift initiation of lifestyle-changes and nutrition-based therapies are the keys to averting the deluge of type 2 diabetes now threatening to capsize the nation’s healthcare system, said Mark Houston, MD, of the Department of Medicine, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine.

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Inflammation, Autoimmune Reactions Underlie Many Common Thyroid Problems

By Janet Gulland | Staff Writer - Vol. 7, No. 3. , 2006

Effective management of thyroid problems requires an approach that goes beyond simply manipulating thyroid hormones. Many thyroid problems are related to underlying inflammatory processes, environmental toxin exposure and dietary factors. A guide to assessing and treating thyroid disorders from a holistic viewpoint.

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Low Vitamin D, High Blood Pressure Plague Obese Children & Adolescents

By Erik Goldman | Editor in Chief - Vol. 7, No. 2. , 2006

OLD GREENWICH, CT—Keep an eye out for vitamin D deficiency among obese children and teenagers. The problem is very common and it can have significant long-term negative impact, said Margarita Smotkin-Tangorra, MD, at the annual meeting of the Eastern Society for Pediatric Research.

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Obesity: WAT’s Up With That?

By Erik Goldman | Editor in Chief - Vol. 7, No. 2. , 2006

White Adipose Tissue (WAT), the raw material of love handles, secretes a wide range of signaling substances that can radically change metabolism. Dr. Jay Udani reviews the new science emerging on this topic, and explains why it becomes progressively more difficult for obese people to lose weight, even when they try very hard.

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High-Dose Vitamin D Shows Anti-Inflammatory Effects in CHF

By Erik Goldman | Editor in Chief - Vol. 7, No. 2. , 2006

Daily supplementation with Vitamin D, 50 mcg (2,000 IU) per day, produced a marked increase in circulating levels of interleukin 10, an important anti-inflammatory cytokine, in patients with chronic congestive heart failure.

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Amino Acid Therapy for Autism: Quelling the Nervous System on Fire

By Erik Goldman | Editor in Chief - Vol. 7, No. 2. , 2006

A brighter future awaits autistic children, as clinicians learn how to apply the tools of neurotransmitter assessment, detoxification protocols, and nutritional therapies to this increasingly common problem.

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Iodine Therapy Gains Favor for Thyroid Problems, Chronic Fatigue

By Staff Writer - Vol. 6, No. 4. , 2005

Iodine, once a mainstay medical therapy that was largely abandoned after WWII, is experiencing something of a resurgence for treatment of thyroid problems, chronic fatigue, women’s health problems, and even diabetes.

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Coping with the Challenge of Celiac Disease

By Erik L. Goldman | Editor in Chief - Vol. 6, No. 4. , 2005

Once thought to be relatively rare, celiac disease is actually very common, and physicians need to pay more attention to it. A naturopathic physician who has the condition herself offers insights on diagnosing, treating and living with this complex digestive disease.

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Nutritional Therapies, Botanicals Can Improve Outcomes in Chronic Hepatitis

By Lyn Patrick, ND | Contributing Writer - Vol. 4, No. 3. , 2003

Natural medicine has much to offer individuals with hepatitis C (HCV) infection and other chronic liver disorders. And that’s a good thing, because the burden of HCV, in terms of individual morbidity and socioeconomic cost, is growing at a disturbing rate. Antiviral pharmacotherapy, while clearly better than it was a decade ago, still leaves much room for improvement.

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The Staff of Aesculapius and the Medicine Wheel: Managing Diabetes on a Pima Reservation

By August West | Contributing Writer - Vol. 4, No. 3. , 2003

Few American communities have been as hard-hit by diabetes as the Native American communities in the Southwest, where Type-2 diabetes affects up to 50% of all adults. Don Warne, MD, an Oglala Lakota physician, approaches the problem with a combination of allopathic medicine and traditional healing practices aimed at addressing the spiritual, cultural and social factors that drive the epidemic.