Nutrition & Lifestyle

Calorie Restriction Mimetics: New Tools for Reducing Chronic Disease, Promoting Longevity

By Stephen Holt, MD / Contributinig Writer - Vol. 11, No. 4. , 2010


Calorie restriction—by as much as 50%-70% of normal intake—is the only intervention consistently proven to extend lifespan. But that’s not a realistic treatment option for most people. Fortunately, natural substances including resveratrol, carnosine,  and carnitine can mimic the beneficial effects of calorie restriction.

Who’s in Bed with the IOM? Vitamin D Report Prompts Conflict of Interest Suspicion

By Erik Goldman

The Institute of Medicine’s Nov. 30 consensus statement claiming most Americans do not need supplemental vitamin D—a position that runs counter to the views of many clinicians and researchers⎯has some folks wondering if committee members had preexisting biases or vested interests against supplementation.

It turns out that at least two members of the committee hold patents on synthetic vitamin D analogs in development or already on the market as prescription drugs, and significant relationships with companies involved in vitamin D drug development.


New Survey Data Highlight Convergence of Conventional & Holistic Medicine

By August West / Contributing Writer - Vol. 11, No. 4. , 2010

Data from Holistic Primary Care’s first annual survey of primary care physicians reveal that some very positive changes are going on in the trenches of clinical practice these days. A lot more physicians are turning toward holistic approaches, with nutrition taking a much more prominent place in day-to-day practice. It seems that the “integration” we’ve been hearing so much about is really happening!

Nutritional Medicine A Textbook by Alan R. Gaby, MD

By Erik Goldman - Vol. 11, No. 4. , 2011

Written for busy practitioners who need reliable but clinically-relevant information to guide patient care, Dr. Alan Gaby’s new, Nutritional Medicine, extensive combines literature reviews, case reports, thorough background material and a lifetime of clinical experience. Here are a few excerpts from this landmark textbook.

Telomeres, Aging, & Disease Prevention: Do Telomere-Targeted Treatments Have a Role in Clinical Practice?

By Stephen Holt, MD, PhD | Contributing Writer - Vol. 11, No. 3. , 2010

Telomeres—segments of chromosomes that prevent aberration or loss of genetic information during cell division—are among the hottest research topics these days, and they’ve become the focus of “anti-aging” and chronic disease prevention strategies. Like many areas of genetic research, the work on telomeres raises as many questions as it answers. Anti-aging specialist Dr. Stephen Holt explores the many nuances of telomere and telomerase research, offering his own clinically tested recommendations.

Nutrition Interventions & Neurofeedback Improve Sequelae of Traumatic Brain Injury

By Gil Winkelman,ND | Contributing Writer - Vol. 11, No. 3. , 2010

Head injuries, which are increasingly common these days, cause a myriad of downstream physical and cognitive problems. These can often be ameliorated by supplementing with vitamin D, magnesium, and essential fatty acids. Neurofeedback, a form of biofeedback guided by EEG, is a highly effective but underutilized tool for people who’ve suffered traumatic brain injuries.

Aerobic Exercise Improves Quality of Life in Adults with Asthma

By Meg Sinclair - Vol. 11, No. 3. , 2010

A recent controlled study of 101 people with asthma underscores the potential benefit of aerobic fitness training in reducing the symptom burden and improving the overall quality of life.

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Preventing & Treating Summer Injuries Without Pharmaceutical Fixes

By August West | Contributing Writer - Vol. 11, No. 2. , 2010

For many people, summertime means increased physical activity and outdoor recreation. Unfortunately, that also means increased risk of injury, especially for patients prone to over-doing it. Nutritional strategies aimed at strengthening connective tissue can go a long way in preventing musculoskeletal injuries, and neural injection therapy, homeopathy, and decompression traction can speed healing when injuries do occur.