Nutrition & Lifestyle

Bodegas Predict BMI in Inner City Youth

By Janet Gulland | Contributing Writer - Vol. 7, No. 2. , 2006

Nutrition and lifestyle changes are difficult to accomplish in inner city neighborhoods like New York’s Spanish Harlem, where corner bodegas selling high fat, high sugar junk foods outnumber groceries with fresh produce by almost 20 to 1.

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Obesity: WAT’s Up With That?

By Erik Goldman | Editor in Chief - Vol. 7, No. 2. , 2006

White Adipose Tissue (WAT), the raw material of love handles, secretes a wide range of signaling substances that can radically change metabolism. Dr. Jay Udani reviews the new science emerging on this topic, and explains why it becomes progressively more difficult for obese people to lose weight, even when they try very hard.

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Don’t Worry, B Happy: Therapeutic Uses of the B Vitamins

By August West | Contributing Writer - Vol. 7, No. 2. , 2006

When it comes to managing a broad range of common chronic conditions and quickly improving patients’ overall sense of wellbeing, few things pack as much therapeutic punch as the B vitamins. A look at this family of friendly vitamins and how best to use them.

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Coping with the Challenge of Celiac Disease

By Erik L. Goldman | Editor in Chief - Vol. 6, No. 4. , 2005

Once thought to be relatively rare, celiac disease is actually very common, and physicians need to pay more attention to it. A naturopathic physician who has the condition herself offers insights on diagnosing, treating and living with this complex digestive disease.

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Avi, Tami & Rummy: The Strange Politics of the Bird Flu Epidemic

By Staff Writer - Vol. 6, No. 4. , 2005

Stock prices are soaring for the drug companies that make and market Tamiflu, thanks to the Bird Flu scare, and prominent government officials particularly Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, are making big bucks as a result.

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Winterizing Your Patients’ Immune Systems

By Roby Mitchell, MD | Contributing Writer - Vol. 6, No. 4. , 2005

There’s a lot physicians can do to help people fend off the flu besides doling out flu shots. Roby Mitchell, MD, aka Dr. Fitt, offers some outside-the-box thinking and practical suggestions.

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Prevention of Obesity Must Begin in Childhood

By Erik L. Goldman | Editor in Chief - Vol. 5, No. 3. , 2004

Teaching children to “clean their plates,” and “eat every last bite,” made a lot of sense in times of want. In the era of supersized meals full of saturated fat, sugar and salt, it is a set-up for obesity. Interestingly, human infants have an innate capacity to regulate food intake based on energy need, but as they grow, they’re taught to eat more than they really need.

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Acidic Stress: The Common Thread Among Disparate Diseases?

By Sara Lovelady | Contributing Writer - Vol. 5, No. 2. , 2004

Even mild elevations in blood and tissue acid levels may have detrimental effects over the long term. A growing body of research indicates that hyper-acidity, due largely to over-consumption of foods that are metabolized into acidic compounds, can contribute to osteoporosis, arthritis and inflammatory disease. A guide on how to shift diet toward alkalinizing foods, and a look at supplements that can help reverse acidic stress.

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In a Pitch to Change Its Unhealthy Image, McDonald’s Says, “See Ya” to Supersizing

By August West | Contributing Writer - Vol. 5, No. 2. , 2004

Recently, the Big Yellow Clown said “Bye-bye” to his longstanding habit of “supersizing,” and “Hello” to a new series of adult “Go Active Happy Meals.” But a closer look at those supposedly healthy alternatives reveal some facts that are hard to swallow.

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