Nutrition & Lifestyle

Low Vitamin D Levels May Trigger Weight Gain

By Erik Goldman

A new and interesting angle on the vitamin D story is emerging from research on weight gain in older women. The vitamin, it seems, is an important metabolic signal that indirectly regulates the propensity to store fat.

Magnesium Significantly Reduces Blood Pressure

By Erik Goldman

Magnesium supplementation, particularly at doses over 370 mg per day, can significantly reduce both systolic and diastolic blood pressure in hypertensive and pre-hypertensive people, according to a new metanalysis of 22 trials.


Depression? Think Zinc!

By Ciel Patenaude, Contributing Writer - Vol. 13, No. 1. , 2013

Zinc deficiency is a surprisingly common but often overlooked factor contributing to depression. When corrected through supplementation, it can have profound positive effects. In some cases, zinc repletion may obviate the need for drug therapy. Ciel Patenaude finds out how zinc influences mood and behavior from integrative psychiatrist James Greenblatt, MD.

Learning to Cure Chronic Sinusitis, Asthma & Other “Issues in the Tissues”

By Rob Ivker, DO, Contributing Writer - Vol. 13, No. 1. , 2012

There is no single drug that “cures” sinusitis, or a surgical procedure that eliminates it once and for all. But Dr. Rob Ivker’s personal experience as a sinusitis sufferer, plus 30 years’ clinical experience with thousands of patients, shows clearly that this very common condition can, indeed, be resolved. Dr. Ivker outlines his holistic strategy & unveils a new program to teach doctors how to manage sinusitis & other chronic respiratory disorders.

Meet the Meatles(s)–A Guide to Vegetarian Meat Substitutes

By Kristen Schepker, Contributing Writer - Vol. 13, No. 1. , 2012

From the now common veggie burgers, “not dogs,” and “chicken” nuggets to innovations like meatless buffalo wings and scallops, the selection of faux-flesh delicacies is almost as wide as that of an actual meat market. With such a great diversity of options, how can vegetarians and other meat-conscious consumers make informed, nutritionally-sound choices?

How Healthful Are Raw Food Diets?

By Kristen Schepker, Contributing Writer - Vol. 13, No. 1. , 2012

As the blossoming raw foods movement spreads throughout the US, it raises many questions. How can healthcare providers best guide patients interested in exploring a raw foods lifestyle?

Nutritional Treatments for Insomnia

By Alan R. Gaby, MD Contributing Writer - Vol. 12, No. 4. , 2012

Diet and nutritional status affect sleep health in many ways, and a host of nutraceutical and botanical supplements can be helpful alternatives to pharmaceutical sleep aids. In this excerpt from his Nutritional Medicine textook, Dr. Alan Gaby looks at a range of options including B vitamins, L-tryptophan, magnesium and others.

A New Approach to Promoting Healthy Sleep

By Erik Goldman - Vol. 12, No. 4. , 2011

Sleep disorders are more varied and complex than simply the inability to fall asleep. They require more than a quickly jotted prescription for sedatives, which can often worsen the problem. To effectively resolve sleep problems, requires an understanding of sleep architecture & the role of deep sleep in regulating metabolism. Glysom, a new amino-acid based product, can help restore healthy sleep cycling.

In a Glutinous Mood? Exploring the Gluten Allergy & Depression Connection

By Peter Bongiorno, ND, LAc - Vol. 12, No. 4. , 2011

There’s increasing scientific evidence as well as clinical experience indicating a connection between depression–which affects roughly 120 million people worldwide–and gluten sensitivity. Chronic gastrointestinal inflammation, triggered by reactions to gluten, can result in neurobehavioral symptoms which often resolve when people go gluten-free.