Chronic Disease

In a Glutinous Mood? Exploring the Gluten Allergy & Depression Connection

By Peter Bongiorno, ND, LAc - Vol. 12, No. 4. , 2011

There’s increasing scientific evidence as well as clinical experience indicating a connection between depression–which affects roughly 120 million people worldwide–and gluten sensitivity. Chronic gastrointestinal inflammation, triggered by reactions to gluten, can result in neurobehavioral symptoms which often resolve when people go gluten-free.

Shape Shifters, Hidden Accomplices & Nature’s Dirty Needles: Confronting the Challenges of Lyme Disease

By Erik Goldman - Vol. 12, No. 3. , 2011

There are reasons why Lyme Disease is so difficult to treat: Borrelia bergdorferi, the main pathogen, is one a highly complex shape-shifting organism, and it is only susceptible to treatment during certain phases of it’s life-cycle. Plus, it seldom works alone. Other bugs like Babesia, Ehrlichia, and Bartonella, are common accomplices. Dr. Joe Burrascano, one of the nation’s leading Lyme experts offers diagnostic & therapeutic tips.

Military Veterans at 4-Fold Risk for Sleep Apnea

By Kauley Jones - Vol. 12, No. 3. , 2011

Military veterans are at much higher risk for obstructive sleep apnea than the general population, yet the disorder often goes undiagnosed because many vets do not fit the stereotypical profile of the “classic” apnea patient: an overweight middle-aged male who snores. Pharyngometry, a new, inexpensive & non-invasive tool can improve diagnosis.

Thyroid Levels, Thermoregulation, & The Fight Against Fungi

By Roby Mitchell, MD / Contributing Writer - Vol. 12, No. 1. , 2011

Ever wonder why our normal body temperature is 98.6°? It turns out that it’s an ideal temperature for warding off fungi. Low thyroid function equals lower  temperature, which makes someone’s tissues ideal ground for growing pathogenic fungi.

Natural Dopaminergic Activator Improves Outcomes of Addiction Recovery

By Kenneth Blum, PhD / Contributing Writer - Vol. 12, No. 1. , 2011

In the past decade,  researchers on neuroanatomy and neurotransmitters have found links between genes, the brain, and addiction behavior. What we now know about the dopamine reward circuits in the brain is helping addiction specialists to create effective holistic approaches to addiction recovery.

Calorie Restriction Mimetics: New Tools for Reducing Chronic Disease, Promoting Longevity

By Stephen Holt, MD / Contributinig Writer - Vol. 11, No. 4. , 2010


Calorie restriction—by as much as 50%-70% of normal intake—is the only intervention consistently proven to extend lifespan. But that’s not a realistic treatment option for most people. Fortunately, natural substances including resveratrol, carnosine,  and carnitine can mimic the beneficial effects of calorie restriction.

Sublingual Immunotherapy: Allergy Relief Under Your Tongue

By Scott Rollins, MD / Contributing Writer - Vol. 11, No. 4. , 2010


Sublingual immunotherapy is a safe, highly effective alternative to injection-based treatments for managing allergies. Moreover, it enables primary care physicians to treat patients that they are currently referring out to specialists.