Chronic Disease

Blood Viscosity: The Unifying Parameter In Cardiovascular Disease Risk

By Ralph E. Holsworth, Jr., DO & Jonathan V. Wright, MD - Vol. 13, No. 1. , 2012

Increased blood viscosity is the only biological parameter that has been linked with all of the other major heart disease risk factors, including high blood pressure, elevated LDL cholesterol, low HDL, type-II diabetes, metabolic syndrome, obesity, smoking, age, and male gender. Until recently, technological limitations made it impractical for doctors to measure this key risk factor. Fortunately, that’s changing.

Depression? Think Zinc!

By Ciel Patenaude, Contributing Writer - Vol. 13, No. 1. , 2013

Zinc deficiency is a surprisingly common but often overlooked factor contributing to depression. When corrected through supplementation, it can have profound positive effects. In some cases, zinc repletion may obviate the need for drug therapy. Ciel Patenaude finds out how zinc influences mood and behavior from integrative psychiatrist James Greenblatt, MD.

Learning to Cure Chronic Sinusitis, Asthma & Other “Issues in the Tissues”

By Rob Ivker, DO, Contributing Writer - Vol. 13, No. 1. , 2012

There is no single drug that “cures” sinusitis, or a surgical procedure that eliminates it once and for all. But Dr. Rob Ivker’s personal experience as a sinusitis sufferer, plus 30 years’ clinical experience with thousands of patients, shows clearly that this very common condition can, indeed, be resolved. Dr. Ivker outlines his holistic strategy & unveils a new program to teach doctors how to manage sinusitis & other chronic respiratory disorders.

Restoring Healthy Gut Function is Key to the Chronic Fatigue Puzzle

By Bianca Garilli, ND, Contributing Writer - Vol. 13, No. 1. , 2012

Several publications in the last few years have supported a relatively new view that a compromised gastrointestinal mucosa plays a major role in CFS. Restoring GI health by eliminating trigger foods, probiotic therapy, stress reduction, and supportive nutrients like L-glutamine, zinc, and digestive enzymes can bring about marked improvements in CFS symptoms.

The Pneumonia-Obesity Connection

By Erik Goldman

Exposure to Chlamydia pneumoniae, the most common pathogen causing human pneumonia, correlates strongly with overweight especially in women. The increased risk was independent of the other common risk factors for obesity, and may reflect the effects of long-term chronic inflammation triggered by the pathogen.

Herbal Options for Managing Adrenal Fatigue

By Michael Greer, MD - Vol. 12, No. 4. , 2011

Think of adrenal fatigue as the “waiting room” for type-2 diabetes, hypothyroidism and heart attack. Drug therapies may be able to ameliorate the end-stage symptoms of these disorders, but they do not rectify the core problem. Herbs like Licorice, Ashwagandha, Ginseng, Rhodiola and others have much to offer people who need to restore and normalize their adrenal function.

A New Approach to Promoting Healthy Sleep

By Erik Goldman - Vol. 12, No. 4. , 2011

Sleep disorders are more varied and complex than simply the inability to fall asleep. They require more than a quickly jotted prescription for sedatives, which can often worsen the problem. To effectively resolve sleep problems, requires an understanding of sleep architecture & the role of deep sleep in regulating metabolism. Glysom, a new amino-acid based product, can help restore healthy sleep cycling.

Natural Therapies Get Migraine Patients Headed in the Right Direction

By Anthony P. Geraci, MD & Laurie Brodsky, ND - Vol. 12, No. 4. , 2012

While drug therapies can help some people with migraines some of the time, the reality is that pharmaceutical fixes are fairly limited. So far there is no definitive drug-based “cure” for migraine headaches. However, there are many non-pharma holistic approaches and self-care techniques that can be quite helpful.