Chronic Disease

Anti-Inflammatory Side-Effects Carry High Price Tag

By Rachael Adams, Contributing Writer

Anti-inflammatory drugs hold the top spot for specialty drug spending in the US, accounting for 23% of all dollars spent on specialty medications. They’re also among the most common culprits when it comes to adverse effects, and those end up costing us billions—$2.2 billion to be exact.

Should Metformin Come with a B12 “Prescription”?

By Sherryl Van Lare, Contributing Writer

Metformin, a first-line drug treatment for type 2 diabetes, has been prescribed to over 120 million people worldwide.It’s a safe bet that a large proportion of those people are deficient in vitamin B12, thanks to the use of this medication.

Psoriasis is a Real (Migraine) Headache

By Madiha Saeed, MD, Contributing Writer

People with psoriatic disease — autoimmune conditions characterized by over-expression of proinflammatory cytokines — also had an increased risk for migraine. The connection? Chronic systemic inflammation.

Gluten Sensitivity, Food Allergies & The Gut-Brain Connection

By Kristen Schepker, Assistant Editor

To improve the care of patients struggling with food intolerances and to help them restore their health, clinicians need to understand the gut-brain axis and the ways in which allergen-induced inflammation ripples out through multiple organ systems, including the brain.

Breaking the Mold: How to Get a Grip on Household Mycotoxins

By Jill Carnahan, MD, Contributing Writer

Indoor air pollutants, including mold and mycotoxins, may be contributing to more than 50% of our patient’s illnesses. All too often, though, we clinicians are unaware of it. Fortunately there are effective strategies that can help us help our patients “break the mold” and minimize the negative effects of mycotoxins.