
Prevention of Obesity Must Begin in Childhood

By Erik L. Goldman | Editor in Chief - Vol. 5, No. 3. , 2004

Teaching children to “clean their plates,” and “eat every last bite,” made a lot of sense in times of want. In the era of supersized meals full of saturated fat, sugar and salt, it is a set-up for obesity. Interestingly, human infants have an innate capacity to regulate food intake based on energy need, but as they grow, they’re taught to eat more than they really need.

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Au Naturelle: Managing Menopause Without Pharmaceuticals

By Janet Gulland | Contributing Writer - Vol. 3, No. 3. , 2002

Managing menopause symptoms without conventional hormone replacement therapy requires much more than substituting soy or Black Cohosh for PremPro. Elena Barengolts, MD, a holistic endocrinologist, describes her comprehensive approach that includes plant phytoestrogens, ginseng, calcium, vitamin D, and various herbs to promote better sleep.

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Policy Institute for Integrative Medicine Looks Beyond NCCAM Trials

By Staff Writer - Vol. 4, No. 3. , 2003

The federally funded clinical trials in natural medicine now underway are essential for evolution of the field, but they do not go far enough, according to Marc Micozzi, MD, PhD, director of the newly formed Policy Institute for Integrative Medicine. His goal is to translate findings from clinical trials into actionable public health policy.

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Acidic Stress: The Common Thread Among Disparate Diseases?

By Sara Lovelady | Contributing Writer - Vol. 5, No. 2. , 2004

Even mild elevations in blood and tissue acid levels may have detrimental effects over the long term. A growing body of research indicates that hyper-acidity, due largely to over-consumption of foods that are metabolized into acidic compounds, can contribute to osteoporosis, arthritis and inflammatory disease. A guide on how to shift diet toward alkalinizing foods, and a look at supplements that can help reverse acidic stress.

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LEVITY Brings Light (and B-Vitamins) to Menopause Management

By Janet Gulland | Staff Writer - Vol. 3, No. 3. , 2002

Exposure to sunlight, brisk exercise, and ample supplies of B vitamins can go a long way in reducing menopausal symptoms, regardless of whether a woman takes conventional or natural hormone therapy. The LEVITY program (Light, Exercise, and Vitamin Intervention Therapy) provides women with a multi-modal, hormone-free approach to controlling midlife symptoms.

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Raising Vitamin D vs. Reducing Skin Cancer: Are They Mutually Exclusive Goals?

By Michael Traub, ND & Monica Scheel, MD - Vol. 10, No. 1. , 2009

As we’ve learned more about the importance of vitamin D in preventing heart disease, colon cancer, diabetes and depression, some people have begun to challenge skin cancer reduction efforts focused on sun avoidance. But careful review of the science shows that oral vitamin D supplements can more than compensate for any vitamin D lost through sun-avoidance. For light skinned people, sun protection makes most sense—just make sure to use eco-friendly products.

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High-Dose Vitamin D Shows Anti-Inflammatory Effects in CHF

By Erik Goldman | Editor in Chief - Vol. 7, No. 2. , 2006

Daily supplementation with Vitamin D, 50 mcg (2,000 IU) per day, produced a marked increase in circulating levels of interleukin 10, an important anti-inflammatory cytokine, in patients with chronic congestive heart failure.

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Herb Industry Grows Increasingly Quality-Conscious

By Erik L. Goldman | Editor in Chief - Vol. 1, No. 1. , 2000

As use of herbal medicines continues to grow, supplement industry trade groups are implementing a number of self-regulation systems to try and improve the quality and reliability of botanical medicine products.

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“NO” News is Good News: Nitric Oxide for CVD & Diabetes

By Tamara Sofi-Smith, PhD candidate | Contributing Writer - Vol. 9, No. 4. , 2008

“From diabetes to hypertension, cancer to drug addiction, stroke to intestinal motility, memory and learning disorders to septic shock, sunburn to anorexia, male impotence to tuberculosis, there is probably no pathological condition where nitric oxide does not play an important role.”

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Amino Acid Therapy for Autism: Quelling the Nervous System on Fire

By Erik Goldman | Editor in Chief - Vol. 7, No. 2. , 2006

A brighter future awaits autistic children, as clinicians learn how to apply the tools of neurotransmitter assessment, detoxification protocols, and nutritional therapies to this increasingly common problem.

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