
Telemedicine on the Rise in Holistic Healthcare

By Erik Goldman

Telemedicine is now commonplace in holistic medical practices, and practitioners who offer teleconsultations are very satisfied with the experience. That’s one of the main findings from Holistic Primary Care’s 2023 practitioner survey, conducted over the summer in collaboration with Nutrition Business Journal. The 70-question survey covered a broad range of topics—from the impact of the […]

Naturopathic Schools Scrap Merger Plan

By Erik Goldman

After months of deliberation and community feedback, Bastyr University and National University of Natural Medicine (NUNM) have decided against moving forward with a proposed merger. In a joint statement issued on November 7, Drs. Melanie Henriksen & Devin Byrd, the presidents of NUNM and Bastyr, respectively, stated that, “we believe at this time it is […]

In Memoriam: Roland R. Griffiths, PhD (July 19, 1946–October 16, 2023)

By Erik Goldman

Holistic Primary Care honors the memory and legacy of Roland Redmond Griffiths, PhD, a visionary neuroscientist and psychopharmacologist who was among the leaders of the recent renaissance of serious clinical research on psychedelics. Griffiths died at the age of 77 of metastatic colon cancer on October 16, 2023, at his home in Baltimore, MD. He […]

Supporting Whole-Body Health During Menopause: The Latest Research & Holistic Approaches

By Erik Goldman

In this webinar, Cory Ambrose, ND, MAT presents the latest research on how to guide your patients through menopause. She discusses the physiological changes that occur during this time, with special attention to the interactions between estrogen and various neurotransmitter systems. We will highlight well-researched, novel phytonutrients to help support healthy hormone and vasomotor balance. […]

Clearing Psoriasis With High-Dose Vitamin D

By Erik Goldman

A small but compelling case series published last year suggests that mega-doses of vitamin D can yield dramatic improvement in the severity of longstanding psoriasis. And by “mega,” we mean doses as high as 60,000 IU per day. Renu Mahtani, a physician at the Autoimmunity Treatment Centre, Pune, India, together with Pradeep M.K. Nair of […]

Curcumin is Comparable to Omeprazole for Dyspepsia

By August West, Contributing Writer

Supplementation with 500 mg of curcumin, four times daily, is comparable to the drug omeprazole (Prilosec) for reducing symptoms of dyspepsia, according to a recent double-blind, head-to-head study published in the British Medical Journal’s Evidence-Based Medicine. Pradermchai Kongkam and colleagues at the Department of Internal Medicine, Chulalongkorn University Faculty of Medicine, Bangkok, randomized 209 patients […]

Impact of Musculoskeletal Inflammation: Cyplexinol Regenerative Support

By Erik Goldman

Holistic practitioners are on the front line of musculoskeletal inflammation, with an intimate understanding of the long-term impact it can have on patient’s health, well-being, and quality of life. In this free webinar, the father and son chiropractic team of Drs. Frank and Matthew Cucolo explore the mechanism and impact of inflammation, and introduce the […]

Maternal Aspartame Consumption Linked to Autism Risk in Children

By Erik Goldman

Women who drink diet soda or consume other aspartame-containing products during pregnancy may be unwittingly putting their male children at risk for autism spectrum disorders. That’s the troubling signal from a new study of more than 350 maternal-child pairs, by Sharon Fowler, PhD, and colleagues at the University of Texas Health Sciences Center, San Antonio. […]

Gladys T. McGarey: Wisdom from The Well-Lived Life

By Meg Sinclair, Publisher

Usually I’m a voracious reader.  I’ve always enjoyed reading and gobbling up books.  But this year it seemed I couldn’t get past more than a couple of pages of anything at any time. “The Well-Lived Life” –a new book by Dr. Gladys McGarey–had been sitting on my desk collecting dust for months. Finally, I picked […]

Ayurveda Meets Allopathy: Getting The Best of Both Worlds

By Charles Elder, MD, Contributing Writer

Are contemporary allopathic medicine and Ayurveda mutually compatible? Is it possible to merge modern biomedical science with ancient healing principles defined millennia ago? Is there any relevance in today’s medical clinic for a paradigm centered substantially around pulse diagnosis, or for therapeutics focused on behavior modification, herbs, mind-body therapies, and detoxification? Most importantly, what purpose […]