
HRT and Breast Cancer: Synthetic Progestins May Increase Risk

By Tori S. Hudson, ND | Contributing Writer - Vol. 7, No. 1. , 2006

A massive French study suggests that the type of progesterone used in postmenopausal HRT is the decisive factor in determining the breast cancer risk associated with hormone therapy. Synthetic progestins appear to increase risk, while bio-identical progesterone does not. Digital mammography can improve detection of breast cancers in younger women with dense breasts, but the cost is high.

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Dietary Supplements in Children: Children with Rare Disorders Benefit from Supplements, Suffer from Under-Regulation

By Dana Trevas | Contributing Writer - Vol. 2, No. 2. , 2001

A number of rare childhood metabolic disorders, such as Wilson’s disease, sickle cell anemia, cystic fibrosis, and short bowel syndrome, can be ameliorated with judicious use of various dietary supplements. But variations in quality of existing supplement products has made it difficult for many parents to provide these benefits to their children.

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Angelica Extract Brings New Mechanism to Bear on Alzheimer’s Disease

By Thomas Walshe, MD | Contributing Writer - Vol. 8, No. 2. , 2007

The patient, a 51-year-old woman, “showed jealousy toward her husband as the first noticeable sign of the disease. Soon a rapidly increasing loss of memory could be noticed. She could not find her way around her own apartment.

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Mushroom Extracts: Powerful Medicine from Humble Sources

By Janet Gulland | Staff Writer - Vol. 2, No. 3. , 2001

Mushrooms are mysterious, and where there is mystery, there is often medicine. Asian traditional medicine has known this for centuries, and various kinds of mushrooms occupy a prominent place in Chinese, Japanese and Tibetan medicine. A review of some modern mushroom medicines making their way into Western clinical practice.

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Alternative Link’s Coding Tools

By Staff Writer - Vol. 5, No. 2. , 2004

A listing of the coding tools and software to support Alternative Link’s ABC Code system for insurance reimbursement in holistic health care.

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High-Veg, Low-Fat Diets Prevent Progression, Recurrence of Breast, Colon Cancer

By Janet Gulland | Contributing Writer - Vol. 7, No. 2. , 2006

NEW YORK—Data from three new clinical trials show that reducing dietary fat to levels below 20% of total calories, and increasing vegetable and fruit intake can prevent relapses of breast cancer, and reduce colon cancer, reported David Alberts, MD, at a conference on Nutrition and Health, sponsored by Columbia University’s Rosenthal Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, and the University of Arizona’s Program in Integrative Medicine.

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Women’s Health Update: News from NAMS

By Tori Hudson, ND - Vol. 6, No. 4. , 2005

Despite its conservative orientation toward natural medicine, the North American Menopause Society annual meeting is a great place to catch up on the latest menopause-related research. Dr. Tori Hudson offers her gleanings from this year’s meeting.

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Iodine Therapy Gains Favor for Thyroid Problems, Chronic Fatigue

By Staff Writer - Vol. 6, No. 4. , 2005

Iodine, once a mainstay medical therapy that was largely abandoned after WWII, is experiencing something of a resurgence for treatment of thyroid problems, chronic fatigue, women’s health problems, and even diabetes.

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Cruciferous Indole at the Crossroad of Estrogen Metabolism

By Janet Gulland | Staff Writer

One of the keys to preventing estrogen-related cancers is to establish a healthy balance between estrogen metabolites. Cruciferous vegetables and specifically an indole phytonutrient called Diindolylmethane found only in these plants, can help to a great extent.

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