Functional Medicine

PLMI Leadership Consortium: Notes from a Parallel Universe

By Niki Gratrix, BA, DipION, mBANT, Contributing Writer

With a stellar line-up that included leaders in preventive health science research, biotech, academia and functional medicine, last Fall’s Personalized Lifestyle Medicine Institute (PLMI) Thought Leaders Consortium was a vivid snapshot of life at the crossroads of communication technology and whole-systems biology.

Fed Vitamin D Guidelines Off by an Order of Magnitude

By August West | Contributing Writer

The Federal RDAs for vitamin D are, “grossly inadequate” for most ordinary people, let alone people with pronounced vitamin D deficiencies, according to a detailed analysis of 3,885 episodes of vitamin D supplementation in over 1,300 individuals.

Cleveland Clinic Gets “Functional”

By Erik Goldman | Editor in Chief

The Cleveland Clinic has teamed up with functional medicine pioneer, Mark Hyman, MD, to establish a multi-million dollar Functional Medicine Institute, slated to open on September 23, 2014.

Questioning a “Diseased Illusion:” An Interview with Jeff Bland

By Niki Gratrix, BA, Dip ION, mBANT, Contributing Writer

With his newest book, The Disease Delusion, functional medicine pioneer, Jeff Bland, PhD, endeavors to help practitioners and patients alike fundamentally change how we view illness, health, and healing. HPC correspondent, Niki Gratrix, caught up with Dr. Bland for an in-depth interview.

23 Skidoo: FDA’s Genomics Clampdown Gets Mixed Reviews

By Erik Goldman - Vol. 15, No. 1. , 2014

skidoo-main-imageThe FDA’s recent regulatory action against popular genomic testing company, 23andMe, is generating mixed responses among integrative clinicians. While many share regulators’ concerns over the validity of the tests and the public’s unguided use of genomic information, they also believe in peoples’ right to know how to read their genomic “Book of Life.”

Functional Blood Chemistry Sheds Light on Patients with Non-Specific Symptoms

By Datis Kharrazian, DC - Vol. 14, No. 1. , 2013

Routine blood chemistry analysis can be useful to rule out overt pathology, but it is not much help to us in dealing with patients who have complex but non-specific symptom patterns. Functional blood chemistry (FBC) analysis is an emerging approach that provides functional reference ranges that identify problems not yet pathological.

Are Grains Destroying Our Brains?

By Erik Goldman - Vol. 14, No. 3. , 2013

In his forthcoming book, Grain Brain, functional neurologist David Perlmutter contends that America’s grain-heavy diet is a prime driver of dementia. That means dementia’s preventable, but it requires eliminating grain foods.