Women’s Health

Link Between HPV Vaccines & Ovarian Failure Raises Concern

By Jessica Best, Contributing Writer

The vaccine against Human Papillomavirus (HPV) may possibly be associated with ovarian dysfunction and the rare condition of premature ovarian failure (POF), according to a statement released earlier this year by the American College of Pediatricians.

Postpartum Depression: When a “Bundle of Joy” Brings Bushels of Despair

By Madiha Saeed, MD, Contributing Writer

For about 1.3 million new mothers, the long-anticipated bundle of joy is also accompanied by a bushel of sadness and woe. Postpartum depression (PPD) is the most common complication of childbirth but unfortunately, only five percent of physicians screen for it. With her new documentary film, Dark Side of the Full Moon, Dr. Shoshana Bennett sheds healing light on the shadow side of the motherhood dream.

NSAIDs Implicated in Female Infertility

By Sara McNulty, MS, Contributing Writer

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs trigger temporary but reversible reductions in female fertility. Women wishing to conceive but having difficulty should avoid taking these ubiquitous medications.

Eating Disorders May Signal Autoimmune Conditions

By Lindsey Davis | Contributing Writer

People being treated for eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating appear to be at increased risk for autoimmune disorders including chronic gasteroenterological, ocular, dermatological, connective tissue, neurological, and hematological autoimmune conditions, according to a new study from Helsinki University.

Mushroom-Derived Compound Shows Promise Against HPV

By Wendy Romig, Contributing Writer

Researchers at  the University of Texas Health Science Center have found that a compound derived from Shiitake mushrooms (Lentinula edodes), can eradicate human papilloma virus (HPV), a leading cause of cervical cancer.

Rheumatoid Arthritis in Women: Looking Beyond Hormones

By Janet Gulland, Contributing Writer

New lines of research are prompting a re-think on the issue of gender disparities in incidence of rheumatoid arthritis. X-linked genetic factors, as well as greater thymic activity early in life, appear to play as much of a role as hormones.