Women’s Health

Blue Mamma, Big Baby

By Marijke Vroomen Durning, Contributing Writer

New research suggests that maternal mental health is a significant influence on childhood obesity. In particular, maternal depression seems to correlate with overweight in young children.

For Women with CVD, Lipid-Centric Strategies Often Fail

By John Otrompke, Contributing Writer

Cardiovascular disease manifests itself very differently in women compared with men, and in many cases, the cholesterol-centric approach results in a “treatment gap,” failing to prevent cardiac events in women, said Mark Houston, MD, at the recent Lifestyle Medicine Summit.

Avoidance of Toxins Helps Couples Wishing to Conceive

By Lauren Brandstadter | Contributing Writer - Vol. 15, No. 2. , 2013

All too often, couples struggling to conceive a child undergo expensive, complicated and unsuccessful fertility treatments. Careful assessment of environmental toxin loads and nutritional status of both partners, and judicious implementation of lifestyle change strategies could avert the need for these treatments in some cases.   Available statistics show that infertility is on the rise […]

Omega-3s Reduce Breast Cancer Risk Factors

By John Otrompke, Contributing Writer - Vol. 14, No. 2. , 2013

Daily supplementation with high doses of omega-3 fatty acids markedly reduces breast tissue hyperplasia and key biomarkers for breast cancer in pre- and post-menopausal women.

Yoga Improves Muscle Pain, Memory Problems in Cancer Survivors

By John Otrompke, Contributing Writer

Two new studies of an innovative yoga program specifically designed for cancer survivors add to existing data showing that yoga can improve sleep, reduce “chemo-fog” and ameliorate a variety of chronic problems that often follow conventional cancer care.