
Stemming the Diabetes Tidal Wave: A Comprehensive, Holistic Approach

By Erik L. Goldman | Editor in Chief - Vol. 4, No. 3. , 2003

Type 2 diabetes and its precursors like impaired glucose tolerance and insulin resistance represent “a complex set of interrelated problems requiring a comprehensive treatment approach,” said Lev Linkner, MD, at a course on holistic medicine sponsored by the American Board of Holistic Medicine (ABHM).

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Neither Food Nor Drug: Is It Time for a Third Regulatory Category?

By Florence Rollwagen, PhD | Contributing Writer - Vol. 2, No. 3. , 2001

Dietary supplements are regulated as foods in the US, but in many cases, they are used like drugs, creating a difficult regulatory conundrum. Many thought leaders in the field believe the problem could be solved by creating a third regulatory category that recognizes the ways in which supplements are different from both drugs and foods.

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Novel Imaging Technique Reveals Breast Benefits of Soy Supplementation

By Erik L. Goldman | Editor in Chief - Vol. 3, No. 1. , 2002

A new imaging technique called Breast Enhanced Scintigraphy Testing has provided the first visual evidence that routine supplementation with soy isoflavones can reduce the size of pre-malignant breast lesions in women at increased risk of breast cancer.

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Natural HRT Alternatives Hit Prime-Time

By Peggy Peck | Contributing Writer - Vol. 2, No. 3. , 2001

Frustrated with conventional hormone therapies and fearing potential side effects like breast and ovarian cancer, massive numbers of menopausal women are turning to natural alternatives like soy isoflavones, Black Cohosh, and Red Cover. Susan Love, MD, and Deborah Moskowitz, ND, share their views.

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Vitamin D: New Findings, New Questions

By Michael Traub, ND - Vol. 9, No. 2. , 2008

Vitamin D deficiency has been linked with everything from psoriasis and osteoporosis to cardiovascular disease, diabetes and autoimmune diseases. But the relationships may not be as simple as we’d like to believe. Neither is the relationship between sun exposure and vitamin D production in the skin.

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CoQ10 May Have Role in Preventing Skin Cancer

By Staff Writer - Vol. 5, No. 1. , 2004

Coenzyme Q10 is best known for its heart protective effects. But this compound is also a strong antioxidant, which can be absorbed through the skin, where it can reduce carcinogenic UV-mediated dermal damage.

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White House Commission Urged to Respect Freedom of Choice

By Janet Gulland | Staff Writer - Vol. 2, No. 2. , 2001

Under a federal mandate, the White House Commission on Complementary and Alternative Medicine Policy was charged with the task of setting a national agenda for holistic health care. In a series of public meetings, Commission members had the opportunity to gather input from the general public. Freedom of choice in health care was the core theme emerging from the New York City meeting.

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Challenging Medicine’s Blind Eye on Dairy-CHD Link

By Janet Gulland | Staff Writer - Vol. 2, No. 2. , 2002

Cardiologist Steven Horowitz believes that medicine has largely ignored the substantial science linking increased dairy consumption and cardiovascular disease. On a population basis, cardiovascular risk is lowest in countries that consume the least amount of dairy. Dr. Horowitz challenges the prevailing view that milk and milk products are essentially healthy foods.

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Lowering CVD Risk: Are Doctors Selling Wine Before Its Time?

By Todd Zwillich | Contributing Writer - Vol. 2, No. 2. , 2002

Epidemiological data suggests that moderate alcohol consumption, particularly red wine, can reduce risk of heart disease, leading some doctors to recommend wine drinking as a preventive measure. But some experts caution that there are no controlled clinical trials to confirm wine’s alleged heart benefits.

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Vitamin D2 or D3: Which Is D Best?

By Tori Hudson, ND | Contributing Writer - Vol. 9, No. 2. , 2008

A wealth of studies in recent years have underscored the health threats posed by vitamin D deficiency. But considerable debate has raged over which form of the vitamin is the best for supplementation. Many clinicians believe that vitamin D3, derived from fish and other animal sources, is more potent than D2, the “vegetarian” form. But new data suggest that may not be true.

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