
Glyphosate: A Root Cause of Chronic Inflammation?

By Zach Bush, MD, Contributing Writer

Glyphosate, the herbicidal compound in Roundup, is dumped on us at the rate of 300 million pounds per year, almost one pound for every person in the US. In the intestines, glyphosate is a profound zonulin stimulator. It damages the epithelial tight junctions on contact, weakening the intestinal barrier function, and fueling chronic inflammation.

Eat Bugs, Improve Health, Save the Planet, Says UN

By Kristen Schepker | Assistant Editor

Scientists project that by 2050, the world’s population will reach a staggering 9 billion people. Our growing presence will undoubtedly impact the health of the planet in untold ways, raising significant questions regarding land use, agricultural production, and food security.

Starbucks Takes Heat for Non-Recyclable Hot Cups

By Kristen Schepker | Assistant Editor

On its iconic white cups, Starbucks urges consumers to “help us help the planet.” But in recent years, the coffee shop mega-chain has come under fire for its allegedly eco-unfriendly approach to recycling.

Starbucks Takes Heat for Non-Recyclable Hot Cups

By Kristen Schepker, Assistant Editor

On its iconic white cups, Starbucks urges consumers to “help us help the planet.” But in recent years, the coffee shop mega-chain has come under fire for its allegedly eco-unfriendly approach to recycling.

Climate Panel: “Uncertainties Are Mostly on the Bad Side”

By Erik Goldman

A new report from the American Academy for the Advancement of Science strikes an urgent tone on climate change. The generally conservative organization holds that there’s a near unanimous consensus among top climate scientists that: A) serious change is real and largely man-made; B) we’re pushing the limits of the planet’s adaptive capacity; and C) there’s much we can still do to avert disaster if we act right now.

Avoidance of Toxins Helps Couples Wishing to Conceive

By Lauren Brandstadter | Contributing Writer - Vol. 15, No. 2. , 2013

All too often, couples struggling to conceive a child undergo expensive, complicated and unsuccessful fertility treatments. Careful assessment of environmental toxin loads and nutritional status of both partners, and judicious implementation of lifestyle change strategies could avert the need for these treatments in some cases.   Available statistics show that infertility is on the rise […]

Environmental Toxins: A Hidden Factor in the Obesity Epidemic

By Linda Clark, MA, CNC | Contributing Writer - Vol. 15, No. 2. , 2013

It is no secret that as a nation, the United States is getting fatter.

Over the past 50 years, the prevalence of obesity in adults has nearly tripled, from 13.4% in 1962 to 35.7% in 20101-3. The economic, social, and medical burden this places on our society cannot be overstated.  It is a healthcare crisis of immense proportions.