
GMO Truths, Consequences, & the Right to Know

By Kristen Schepker - Vol. 13, No. 4. , 2012

California’s Proposition 37, which would have required labeling for foods containing genetically-modified ingredients, was defeated on November 6, but in many ways, the proposition was still a victory for the movement to raise awareness about the potential health consequences of GMO food consumption.

Chlorinated Water Increases Risk of Asthma, Respiratory Distress

By John Otrompke, Contributing Writer

Swimming in chlorinated water increases risk of asthma and respiratory problems in children, says Alfred Bernard, PhD, research director at the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium. In a study of nearly 2,000 children, those who spent 30 or more hours in chlorinated pools before age 3 had triple the risk of respiratory problems.

Foul Air, Fast Rx’s Fuel Childhood Obesity

By Erik Goldman

Exposure to air pollution and overuse of antibiotics may be important risk factors for childhood obesity, according to recent studies. The findings suggest that there’s more to the obesity equation than excess calories & lack of exercise.

CEFALO: Mixed Signals on The Cell Phone–Brain Tumor Issue

By Erik Goldman - Vol. 12, No. 3. , 2011

A high-profile international study of the impact of cell phones on childhood brain tumor risk is sending the signal that there is no “exposure-response relationship. However, some environmental health experts contend that significant safety concerns are hidden within the data.

Making Sense of CEFALO

By August West - Vol. 12, No. 3. , 2011

CEFALO, a multi-center European project, is the first study to look specifically at the impact of self-reported mobile phone use on risk of childhood brain tumors. While it  seemed to dispel the notion that EM radiation from cellphones can cause brain tumors, critics contend that the conclusions are not so clear cut. Writers from the Environmental Health Trust challenge CEFALO’s findings; a spokesman from the study team responds.

EMF Hygiene: How to Minimize Health Risks From Wireless Devices

By Camilla Rees, MBA

In recent years, there’s been a groundswell of science documenting significant health risks associated with exposure to radiation from cell phones, computers, and other modern wireless devices. Concerns range from reduced fertility to potentially increased risk of cancers including brain tumors. A bit of “EMF hygiene” will go a long way in minimizing risk. EMF safety expert Camilla Rees shares a wealth of tips.

Cordless Phone EMFs Trigger Heart Rhythm Abnormalities

By Erik Goldman / Editor in Chief - Vol. 11, No. 4. , 2010

Much of the controversy about cell phone radiation and health has centered around the potential risk of brain tumors. But researchers recently discovered that in roughly 40% of people, the EMF field from a cordless phone system consistently produces measurable and sometimes severe heart rate disturbances.

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Outpatient Clinics Honored for Superior Environmental Performance

By Janet Brown | Contributing Writer - Vol. 7, No. 2. , 2006

The Hospitals for a Healthy Environment (H2E), annual Environmental Leadership Awards honor hospitals, health systems and clinics who’ve demonstrated superior performance in eliminating mercury, reducing waste, and implementing eco-standards. This year’s award winners show that small outpatient clinics can make as big a difference as large medical centers.

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