Vitamins & Supplements

COVID Pandemic Stokes Surge in Supplement Use

By Janet Gulland, Contributing Writer

The COVID-19 pandemic has fueled a massive surge in supplement use across the United States, according to data from a new Harris Poll sponsored by the Samueli Foundation. The survey gathered responses from 2,053 US women and men, representing a broad range of ages, ethnicities, and geographical locations. Over three quarters of the respondents (76%) […]

Covid Longhaulers Benefit From a Functional Medicine Approach

By Jon D. Kaiser, MD, Contributing Writer

The term “Post-Covid Syndrome,” broadly relates to people of all ages who have had a recent documented Covid-19 infection, subsequently tested negative either once or multiple times, yet still have persistent symptoms including fatigue, brain fog, gastrointestinal symptoms, headaches, dyspnea, muscle aches, chest pain, reduced exercise tolerance and heart palpitations. These symptoms persist long after […]

The Biochemistry of Longevity: How to Supplement for Age Optimization

By Erik Goldman

Cumulative research in the area of longevity points to a handful of key biochemical pathways that regulate the aging process, and influence the level of health people maintain as they age. These lines of research also show how targeted plant compounds and nutraceuticals that can positively influence these pathways.  In this free webinar, Dr. Christopher […]

Antibiotics at the Crossroads

By Erik Goldman

Antibiotics can sometimes be almost miraculous in their clinical impact. Over the last 70 years, since their introduction into routine medical practice, they’ve saved countless lives. But in many cases the benefits are much less dramatic or apparent. Further, there is increasing evidence that routine use of antibiotics can have long-term detrimental effects on human […]

Paraprobiotics: A New Approach for Immune System Support

By Erik Goldman

The last decade’s worth of microbiome research has taught us that much of our “human” physiology is actually regulated by microorganisms in our digestive tracts.  It turns out that some of these organisms need not even be alive to exert their influence. Welcome to the world of paraprobiotics—an emerging category of health products containing heat-killed […]

Improving Clinical Outcomes with Paraprobiotics

By Erik Goldman

Paraprobiotics could be just what your patients need for a better life. Pre- and probiotics have become mainstream solutions for improved overall wellbeing, but research has revealed that paraprobiotics–heat-killed probiotic strains–can also have very specific benefits. Paraprobiotics also deliver the added advantage of a longer shelf-life without the need for refrigeration. In this free webinar, […]

The Aging Brain: Evidence-Based Interventions for Brain Health

By Erik Goldman

Age-associated cognitive decline is one of the nation’s most pressing health issues. Every day in the US, roughly 10,000 people reach their 65th birthdays. People over 65 years of age now represent almost 15% of the total population. Octogenarians are the fastest growing age bracket. As these trends continue, the need for effective clinical strategies […]

What Practitioners Need to Know About Botanical Quality Testing

By Elan Sudberg, Contributing Writer

As a kid I grew up in doctors’ offices and labs. It’s not because I was sick. Rather my mother and father both worked there. My mother was a microbiologist who applied those skills to live blood cell analysis and allergy testing, and then later worked in government microbiology labs where she researched models of […]

Building Youthful NAD+ Power with Precursors, Sirtuin-Activating Compounds & Methylation Support

By Erik Goldman

The depletion of Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD+) over time has emerged as a central driver of much of the degenerative decline associated with aging. Depletion of NAD+ can negatively impact a multitude of core biochemical functions that may influence healthspan. Because NAD+ levels steadily drop with age, the repletion of this vital metabolic cofactor has […]

A Revolution in CoQ10: Advancing Energetics through Cellular Metabolite Optimization

By Erik Goldman

Co-enzyme Q10 is among the most widely purchased dietary supplements worldwide. Yet many people who take it don’t get the optimal benefits they seek from this important metabolic cofactor.  New research suggests that Geranylgeraniol (GG), a naturally-occurring substance in the seeds of the Annatto plant (Bixa Orellana), can increase the body’s natural production of CoQ10, […]