
Antioxidants During Chemotherapy Spur Controversy

By Dana Trevas | Contributing Writer

WASHINGTON, DC—Do antioxidants help or hinder conventional cancer therapy? The question is one of the most contentious in cancer care today, not to mention one of the hottest topics at conferences on natural medicine.

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Obesity in Women: Conjugated Linoleic Acid, Calcium May Be Valuable Allies

By Tori Hudson, ND | Contributing Writer - Vol. 8, No. 3. , 2007

Obesity is especially common among women. Recent studies show that women can lose small but clinically meaningful amounts of weight through the Atkins, Zone, Ornish or LEARN diet regimens. Conjugated linoleic acid may be a valuable ally in weight loss. Calcium supplementation may also help.

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Enzyme Awareness Can Clear Herb Drug Interactions Fog

By Todd Zwillich | Contributing Writer - Vol. 3, No. 1. , 2002

Many herbal compounds are metabolized by the same set of liver enzymes, the Cytochrome P450 group, as are pharmaceuticals. A clear knowledge of which herbs are metabolized by which enzymes will help clear up much of the confusion and concern about herb-drug interactions.

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Esalen Summit: Confronting the Barriers to Humanistic Healthcare

By Erik L. Goldman | Editor in Chief - Vol. 6, No. 2. , 2005

Successful collaborations between conventional MDs and practitioners of natural medicine are still rare. Leaders of major associations representing both conventional and holistic health professionals met at California’s Esalen Institute to confront the political, economic and personal roadblocks to greater collaboration and a more humanistic healthcare system.

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Catch-22: Can We Harvest the Health Benefits of Seafood Without Destroying the Oceans?

By Erik L. Goldman | Editor in Chief - Vol. 7, No. 4. , 2006

The recent Institute of Medicine and Harvard reports on seafood safety go a long way in allaying public concern about mercury toxicity in fish and affirming fish as a healthy food. But they largely overlook the precarious state of the world’s oceans. Can we have our fish and eat them too? Yes, say marine biologists, but only with major changes in fisheries management and consumer consciousness.

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Inflammation, Autoimmune Reactions Underlie Many Common Thyroid Problems

By Janet Gulland | Staff Writer - Vol. 7, No. 3. , 2006

Effective management of thyroid problems requires an approach that goes beyond simply manipulating thyroid hormones. Many thyroid problems are related to underlying inflammatory processes, environmental toxin exposure and dietary factors. A guide to assessing and treating thyroid disorders from a holistic viewpoint.

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Inflammation, Autoimmune Reactions Underlie Many Common Thyroid Problems

By Janet Gulland | Staff Writer - Vol. 7, No. 3. , 2006

Effective management of thyroid problems requires an approach that goes beyond simply manipulating thyroid hormones. Many thyroid problems are related to underlying inflammatory processes, environmental toxin exposure and dietary factors. A guide to assessing and treating thyroid disorders from a holistic viewpoint.

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CoQ10 and CHF: Start Early to Optimize Myocardial Function

By Dana Trevas | Contributing Writer

LAS VEGAS—Co-enzyme Q10 supplementation can improve heart function and survival in patients with congestive heart failure, provided it is given early on in the course of disease, said Stephen Sinatra, MD, at the American College of Nutrition’s annual meeting.

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Botanical Antibiotics: Oil of Oregano Offers Alternative for Fungal, Bacterial Infections

By Janet Gulland | Staff Writer - Vol. 3, No. 1. , 2002

Herbal medicine truly represents a crossroad between the culinary and medical arts. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the emerging body of data showing that a number of commonly used cooking herbs contain powerful antimicrobial and antioxidant compounds.

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Will Medicare Cover Lifestyle Change Programs for CVD Prevention?

By Erik L. Goldman | Editor in Chief - Vol. 6, No. 1. , 2005

For the past 28 years, Dr. Dean Ornish and colleagues at the Preventive Medicine Research Institute have been quietly proving that one can reverse atherosclerosis and prevent heart attacks through diet, exercise and stress management alone. The bigger challenge is proving to Medicare and insurers that paying for these sorts of lifestyle programs is money well-spent.

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