Cardiovascular Health

A Revolution in CoQ10: Advancing Energetics through Cellular Metabolite Optimization

By Erik Goldman

Co-enzyme Q10 is among the most widely purchased dietary supplements worldwide. Yet many people who take it don’t get the optimal benefits they seek from this important metabolic cofactor.  New research suggests that Geranylgeraniol (GG), a naturally-occurring substance in the seeds of the Annatto plant (Bixa Orellana), can increase the body’s natural production of CoQ10, […]

Plant Sterols: An Effective Alternative For Statin-Intolerant Patients

By Janet Gulland, Contributing Writer

A recently published case series from the University of Chicago underscores the value of plant sterol supplements for managing elevated cholesterol in statin-intolerant patients at moderate to high risk for cardiovascular disease. While statin therapy with accompanying lifestyle modification remains the preferred conventional intervention for treating dyslipidemias and reducing cardiovascular risk, many patients do not […]

Rx Omega-3 No Better Than Corn Oil for Preventing CV Events

By Erik Goldman

Astra-Zeneca’s Epanova—a highly processed carboxylic acid form of EPA and DHA– failed to deliver the expected reduction in major cardiovascular events observed during 2019’s REDUCE-IT trial using the fish oil-based Vascepa EPA. The just-published multicenter STRENGTH trial  ( (STatin Residual Risk Reduction With EpaNova in HiGh CV Risk PatienTs With Hypertriglyceridemia) randomized 13,078 high-risk patients […]

How Body Recomposition Can Revolutionize Your Patients’ Health

By Stacy Collier

Body recomposition refers to the process of gaining muscle and losing fat simultaneously. It is not a specific diet or exercise plan. Rather, it is a set of principles and practices that help people build muscle and strength, lose fat, and establish healthy eating and exercise habits. When followign the 5 main pillars of body […]

Two Paths for Optimizing Nitric Oxide Production

By Erik Goldman

There’s an old aphorism attributed to baseball great Yogi Berra: “When you come to a fork in the road, take it.” The New York Yankees legend said it while giving directions to his old friend, Joe Garagiola. He certainly was not talking about nutrition to improve nitric oxide production. But thanks to the development of […]

Nitric Oxide: The Body’s Best Medicine

By Erik Goldman

Nitric Oxide (NO) has been the topic of over 140,000 research articles.  The pinnacle of accomplishment in this field was the Nobel Prize in Medicine given to three American scientists for their work in discovering the nitric oxide pathway.  Since then, pharmaceutical and nutraceutical companies have been scrambling to create new products that harness the […]

Why the Mediterranean Diet is the Best Diet on the Planet

By Steven Masley, MD, Contributing Writer

Mediterranean countries have some of the longest life spans on the planet. Despite their high rates of tobacco use, and they have lower rates of heart disease, memory loss, cancer, and obesity. Physician-Author Steven Masley set out on a 7-month journey to discover how cuisine and culture converge to engender health across this diverse region. 

Gut Microbiome Study Reveals New Forms of Hypertension & Depression

By Kristen Schepker, Assistant Editor

A new study reveals previously unidentified connections between the intestinal microbiome and markers of cardiovascular and mental health. Researchers at the University of Florida discovered unique gut bacteria patterns in patients with high blood pressure, depression, and a combination of the two conditions.