Lower Target for Blood Pressure Reduction May Help Save Lives
Practitioners often advise patients to “know your numbers.” But when it comes to blood pressure, researchers aren’t entirely sure what numbers some patients should be aiming for.
Practitioners often advise patients to “know your numbers.” But when it comes to blood pressure, researchers aren’t entirely sure what numbers some patients should be aiming for.
A large—and largely ignored–study involving nearly 26,000 military veterans shows that otherwise healthy people taking statin drugs for primary heart disease prevention had an 87% increased risk of new-onset diabetes.
Resveratrol, a polyphenolic compound found in red wine and widely touted for its antioxidant and cell signaling effects, also improves insulin sensitivity, according to a recent study by researchers at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY.
Ancient Chinese philosophy defines two basic types of error: “Near-error,” characterized by a myopic focus on what is closest at hand to the exclusion of the bigger picture and; “Far-error,” an obsession with the horizon at the expense of what is in proximity.
When it comes to cardiovascular disease risk, what someone drinks can be as important as what he or she eats. But too often, clinicians overlook the beverage factor when making nutritional recommendations, says Steven Masley, MD, director of the Masley Optimal Health Center in St. Petersburg, FL, and author of the new book, “The 30-Day Heart Tune-Up (Hachette).”
The Cleveland Clinic is beginning a series of clinical trials to assess the potential cardiovascular effects of Omega-7 fatty acids, a category of unsaturated fatty acids scientists are just beginning to understand.
New data from the NIH-funded Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy (TACT), has vindicated this controversial treatment as a method for preventing cardiovascular events in people with diabetes. The data show a clear 15% reduction in index events among treated patients.
Twenty years ago, Dr. Stephen Sinatra was like most American cardiologists: firmly convinced that elevated cholesterol was the key driver of heart disease, and that thanks to statin drugs, he and his colleagues would soon be cutting the nation’s number one killer down to size.
Despite our nation’s best effort to treat all forms of cardiovascular disease aggressively, we seem to be losing the struggle.
It’s been more than two decades since nitric oxide was named “Molecule of the Year” by the journal, Science.
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