Cancer Care

What Common Blood Tests Reveal About Cancer Risk

By Nalini Chilkov, LAc, OMD, Contributing Writer

While there is no simple blood test for predicting who will get cancer, there is a lot of information to be gleaned from basic blood work that, taken together, reveals much about an individual’s predispositions for many forms of cancer.

Wholesome Rx: Prescribe Produce, Not Pills

By By Ellen Kanner, Contributing Writer

“Eat more fresh produce.” It’s an easy bit of medical advice to give. Yet it’s advice millions of Americans aren’t able to follow, even if they want to. A non-profit group called Wholesome Wave is working to make it a little bit easier for both practitioners and patients, by creating a system that allows doctors to literally prescribe produce for patients and their families in underserved communities.

Vitamin D Reduces Fatigue in Cancer Patients

By John Otrompke, Contributing Writer - Vol. 13, No. 4. , 2012

A new study shows that Vitamin D supplementation, at a dose of 2,000 IU per day, reduced the symptoms of fatigue in a cohort of people with various types of cancer.

Massive Study Finds Link Between Allergies & Hematologic Cancers

By John Otrompke, Contributing Writer - Vol. 13, No. 3. 2012,

A cohort study of over 64,000 people found that those with allergies to grass, plants and trees were more likely to develop hematologic malignancies compared with people who don’t have allergies. The surprising observation runs contrary to studies, and has investigators and clinicians scratching their heads.

Yoga Improves Muscle Pain, Memory Problems in Cancer Survivors

By John Otrompke, Contributing Writer

Two new studies of an innovative yoga program specifically designed for cancer survivors add to existing data showing that yoga can improve sleep, reduce “chemo-fog” and ameliorate a variety of chronic problems that often follow conventional cancer care.

Ginseng and Curcumin: Herbal Allies in Cancer Care

By John Otrompke, Contributing Writer

Ginseng and curcumin, two herbs with long histories of use in traditional Asian herbal medicine, have beneficial effects in people with cancer, according to new studies presented at this year’s annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO).

Innovative Cancer Conference to Highlight Primary Care’s Role

By Erik Goldman - Vol. 13, No. 1. , 2012

Cancer care goes far beyond surgery and chemotherapy, and primary care practitioners have an important role to play in improving survival and quality of life for people with cancer. They’re also key players in cancer prevention. The role cancer prevention and management will be the focus the Healthy Medicine Academy’s Advances in Cancer Strategies conference, April 20-22, 2012.

Putting PSA Testing in Perspective

By Erik Goldman

The recent Preventive Services Task Force draft recommendation against routine Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) screening has a lot of guys pissing vinegar, with some calling the new report “a death sentence.” More moderate voices call for recognition of the limits of PSA testing while cautioning against sweeping policy moves. Integrative Urologist Dr. Geo Espinosa sheds some light.