Cancer Care

Flax Seed: A Woman’s “Breast Friend Forever”

By Robert Pendergrast, MD - Vol. 12, No. 3. , 2011

There are many foods that can contribute to a breast-healthy diet. In his effort to help family members and patients dealing with breast cancer, Dr. Robert Pendergrast has reviewed them all. His conclusion? Flax seed is one of the best. It’s a cornerstone for breast cancer prevention, and should become every woman’s “BFF” (“Breast Friend Forever”).

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Immune Enhancement, Avoidance of Interactions Are Keys to Chemotherapy Support

By Janet Gulland / Contributing Writer - Vol. 12, No. 1. , 2011

Researchers at MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, are assessing potential interactions between common chemotherapy drugs and natural products widely used by cancer patients. So far, AHCC a mushroom-derived compound, and L-glutamine show very low risk of interactions. This research will be important for guiding clinical care of people with cancer.

Once Considered “Fringe,” Yoga Enters Mainstream Cancer Care

By August West / Contributing Writer - Vol. 12, No. 1. , 2011

Over the last decade, yoga has emerged as a favored adjunctive modality at cancer centers across the country. Studies presented at the Society of Integrative Oncology’s annual meeting show that carefully tailored yoga programs can reduce anxiety, improve sleep, reduce the need for meds, and improve flexibility.

Vitamin D May Prevent Tamoxifen- Associated Joint Problems

By Meg Sinclair / Contributing Writer - Vol. 11, No. 4. , 2010

Severe joint pain is a common side-effect of tamoxifen therapy for breast cancer, and it is associated with vitamin D deficiency. Supplementation aimed at pushing serum vitamin D levels over 40 ng/ml can prevent or attenuate the pain.


New Organization Promotes “Holistic Surveillance” of Prostate Cancer

By August West / Contributing Writer - Vol. 11, No. 4. , 2010

The vast majority of men with prostate cancer do not need surgery, toxic drugs or other invasive treatments, according to Aaron Katz, MD, founder of the new Society of Integrative Oncology. He believes most can be safely treated for decades with dietary changes and intensive use of plant-based anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds. The new organization’s prime goal is to educate doctors about the non-invasive, non-pharmaceutical options.

Open Mind & Open Heart Are Essential in Caring for People with Cancer

By Janet Gulland | Contributing Writer - Vol. 11, No. 3. , 2010

Primary care doctors have a vital role to play in helping patients with cancer, even if they are not directly involved in treatment of the cancer itself. The key, says Dr. Isaac Eliaz, is for doctors to confront their own mortality and become comfortable with the reality of impermanence.

Oximation & Cancer: Rethinking the Pathogenic Paradigm

By Roby Mitchell, MD | Contributing Writer - Vol. 11, No. 1. , 2010

Cancer doesn’t “just happen.” It occurs in a physiological environment characterized by chronic inflammation, oxidative stress, pH changes, and ischemia. Interestingly, Candida albicans also thrives in and contributes to this inner environment. The good news is that this is reversible through hormone balancing, and dietary changes aimed at reducing inflammation.

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Breast Cancer Cell Study Casts A New Light on Homeopathy

By August West | Contributing Writer - Vol. 11, No. 1. , 2010

New findings that ultra-dilute homeopathic preparations could induce apoptosis in human breast cancer cell lines have energized the field of homeopathy, dashing critics’ oft-heard argument that homeopathy—if it works at all—is naught but a “placebo effect.”