Vitamins & Supplements

Spagyric Medicine: Paracelsus’ Ancient Methods Make 21st Century Comeback

By Dan Kenner, PhD, Lac | Contributing Writer - Vol. 4, No. 2. , 2003

Spagyric medicine, a form of homeopathy first described roughly 500 years ago, is making something of a resurgence in European and some American clinics.

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Drug Induced Nutrient Depletions (Part 3)

By Staff Writer - Vol. 4, No. 4. , 2003

Many commonly used drugs deplete essential nutrients, meaning that individuals taking a lot of medications may be compromising their nutritional status. Fortunately, these depletions are easy to correct with judicious use of supplements. This chart, the third in our series, reviews the nutrient-depletions associated with common drugs for diabetes, ulcers, and psychiatric disorders.

Omega-3s Could Revolutionize Mental Health Care

By August West | Contributing Writer - Vol. 4, No. 2. , 2003

According to former Food and Drug Administration scientist Jerry Cott, PhD, omega-3 fatty acids are the most exciting development in psychiatry in the last 40 years. Several new studies show that omega-3s can reduce symptoms and disabilities associated with depression, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder.

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Vitamin E Made Easy

By Erik L. Goldman | Editor-in-Chief - Vol. 4, No. 1. , 2003

Vitamin E is not a single compound, but a grouping of 8 different naturally occurring tocopherols and tocotrienols. Unfortunately, many of the vitamin E products on the market contain only one: synthetically produced d-alpha-tocopherol. These products often fail to deliver on the antioxidant, tumor preventive, and heart-friendly benefits of vitamin E. But new full spectrum products have recently entered the market.

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“Top Ten” Natural Approaches for Managing Coronary Artery Disease

By Erik L. Goldman | Editor-in-Chief - Vol. 4, No. 1. , 2003

Cardiologist Howard Sacher believes that natural therapeutics have a big role to play not only in preventing coronary artery disease, but also in treating people who already have the condition. He offered his “Top Ten” natural therapies, which include CoQ10, the Mediterranean diet, Folic Acid and B vitamins, Omega-3’s, and mind-body training.

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CoQ10 Delays Progression of Parkinson’s Disease

By Pat Hemminger | Contributing Writer - Vol. 4, No. 1. , 2003

Coenzyme Q10, widely known for its cardiovascular benefits, can slow the progression of Parkinson’s disease, according to a recent clinical trial. While there are no data showing that CoQ10 can prevent Parkinson’s, it does improve an affected individual’s ability to carry on daily activities and maintain independence.

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Omega-3s Shine at International Fatty Acid Conference

By Joyce A. Nettleton, DSc, RD | Contributing Writer - Vol. 3, No. 3. , 2002

The International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids is the main event in the lipid chemistry world. Our intrepid reporter, Joyce Nettleton, netted a fat catch of good news about the health benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids.

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Demise of PC-SPES Angers Prostate Cancer Patients

By Erik L. Goldman | Editor-in-Chief - Vol. 3, No. 2. , 2002

PC-SPES, a supplement advertised as a botanical medicine for prostate problems, was wildly popular among men with prostate cancer, largely because it seemed to work when pharmaceutical options did not. PC-SPES turned out to contain DES and warfarin, and was pulled from the market by California authorities, triggering outrage in the prostate cancer community.

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Extended-Release Niacin Boosts Lipid-Lowering Power of Statin

By Erik L. Goldman | Editor-in-Chief - Vol. 3, No. 2. , 2002

Niacin is every effective in reducing LDL and elevating HDL or “good” cholesterol. But it is under-used in part because many people taking standard forms of niacin experience intense flushing. Extended release forms of niacin are now available that eliminate this problem. A statin-niacin combination called Advicor is “the ideal drug combination” for reducing heart disease risk, says cardiologist William Insull, MD.

CV Risk Reduction Requires Much More than Statins

By Erik L. Goldman | Editor-in-Chief - Vol. 3, No. 2. , 2002

Statins are effective in reducing LDL and total cholesterol, but this is only one aspect of reducing heart disease risk, said Robert Superko, MD, a prominent cardiologist. He recommended nutritional therapies, including niacin which is highly effective, inexpensive, and surprisingly, under-used in the US.

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