Digestive Health

Three GI Ecosystems

By Leo Galland, MD - Vol. 13, No. 2. , 2012

The GI microbial world is comprised of 3 very different compartments: Gastric, Small Intestinal & Colonic. Each has a distinct biochemical and physiologic “climate.” Digestive heatlh–and by extension, overall health–depends on the relationships between these diverse microbial worlds.

Must We Always Eradicate H. Pylori?

By Leo Galland, MD - Vol. 13, No. 2. , 2012

Helicobacter pylori, one of the most common microorganisms found in the human GI tract, can definitely be pathogenic, but in many people it is not. In some, it may even be helpful: gastric colonization with H. pylori inhibits ghrelin, an appetite stimulating molecule. Some researchers argue that eradicating H. pylori actually promotes obesity. Dr. Leo Galland, a pioneer in functional medicine, opts to take the middle ground between total eradication and total tolerance of this bug.

Strategies for Establishing a Healthy Gut Microbiome

By Leo Galland, MD - Vol. 13, No. 2. , 2012

With the growing popularity of probiotics and concerns about antibiotic overuse, there has been a lot of attention on the importance of maintaining healthy gut flora. This is certainly a positive step, but what often gets lost in the dialog is the true complexity of the gut microbiome. Dr. Leo Galland, one of the nation’s leading functional medicine physicians, offers insights on how to cultivate a healthy relationship with the microbial world within.

In a Glutinous Mood? Exploring the Gluten Allergy & Depression Connection

By Peter Bongiorno, ND, LAc - Vol. 12, No. 4. , 2011

There’s increasing scientific evidence as well as clinical experience indicating a connection between depression–which affects roughly 120 million people worldwide–and gluten sensitivity. Chronic gastrointestinal inflammation, triggered by reactions to gluten, can result in neurobehavioral symptoms which often resolve when people go gluten-free.

The Cure for “Listeria Hysteria?” Strengthening Innate Defenses!

By Roby Mitchell, MD (aka "Dr. Fitt")

All this “Listeria Hysteria” that followed the reports of contaminated cantaloupe reminds me of a Twilight Zone episode. We’re destroying a relatively healthy food by the ton, issuing dire warnings about deadly pathogens, and generally scaring an already scared public, all without taking stock of what’s really going on. I don’t mean to downplay the […]

Restoring Digestive Health is Key to Optimizing Weight Loss

By August West | Contributing Writer - Vol. 10, No. 4. , 2009

The problem with most medical weight loss programs is that they focus too much on weight loss and not nearly enough on overall health. Somae Health is a new 12-week, medically guided weight management program that begins with restoration of healthy gastrointestinal function.

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Chronic Fatigue, Cardiomyopathy & Oxidative Stress: New Thinking Opens New Approaches

By Allison Templet | Contributing Writer - Vol. 9, No. 3. , 2008

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), one of the most vexing conditions for patients and doctors alike, reflects a state of oxygen toxicity, and management of oxidative stress appears to be a key to reversing the fatigue, pain, and neuropsychological complaints associated with this disorder, says Paul R. Cheney, MD, PhD, a pioneer in the clinical research of CFS.

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