News, Policy & Economics

HPC Readers Sound Off on Health Care Reform Hearings

By Erik Goldman

As the Supreme Court barbecued the Obama Administration’s Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in March, we asked holistic & integrative practitioners to sound off on the constitutionality of the insurance mandate, the likelihood that the plan will withstand the Court’s grilling, and what, if anything, would be a better option.

Between the Boards: ABIHM Celebrates Success, Prepares for Transition

By Erik Goldman - Vol. 12, No. 4. , 2011

The American Board of Integrative Holistic Medicine (ABIHM) recently completed its 12th annual review course and certification exam, capping more than 15 years of work in creating formal educational and credentialing standards. But as they celebrate their progress, ABIHM leaders are preparing for the emergence of a new certification board–the American Board of Integrative Medicine (ABOIM) spearheaded by the leadership of the University of Arizona’s Center for Integrative Medicine. Dr. Scott Shannon, ABIHM’s current president, shares his views.

Bravewell Collaborative Honors Guarneri, Celebrates a Decade of Progress

By Erik Goldman - Vol. 12, No. 4. , 2011

The Bravewell Collaborative, the nation’s leading philanthropic organization supporting integrative medicine, gathered in New York to honor Dr. Mimi Guarneri, MD, director of the Scripps Center for Integrative Medicine, and  to celebrate the evolution of holistic medicine over the last 10 years.

At a time when so much seems wrong with health care and with the world at large, the Bravewell gathering was a reminder of what can happen when people of goodwill come together, pool their brains and resources and take on major problems.

What Makes Dr. Godby Run? Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Healthiness

By Meg Sinclair - Vol. 12, No. 2. , 2011

“I love this country.  It pains me to see so many people living below the threshold of vitality,” says Dr. Dennis Godby, a naturopathic doctor in Sacramento, CA. This summer, Dr. Godby along with family members and friends, will run across the country to emphasize the pressing need to put health back in American health care. The event, titled simply “The Run,” begins in San Francisco, July 17 and ends in Bridgeport, CT, in November. HPC is a proud media sponsor for The Run.

Crafting Illusion & Creating Collusion: How Insurance Industry “Spin” Controls Medical Practice

By Erik Goldman - Vol. 12, No. 2. , 2011

Doctors–and their patients–have much more to fear from Wall Street than from the government, says Wendell Potter, former director of corporate communications for CIGNA health insurance. Following a crisis of conscience during the debates on the Obama administration’s health care reform plan, Mr. Potter left CIGNA and went public with everything he knows about the insurance industry’s “Dark Arts.” His goal? To wake people up to the ways in which corporate interests manipulate health care policy. His book, Deadly Spin, is as fascinating as it is frightening. In this exclusive interview, Mr. Potter spoke with Holistic Primary Care about the long history of collusion between organized medicine and Big Insurance—an uneasy alliance that has ultimately been detrimental to patients and physicians alike.


Who’s in Bed with the IOM? Vitamin D Report Prompts Conflict of Interest Suspicion

By Erik Goldman

The Institute of Medicine’s Nov. 30 consensus statement claiming most Americans do not need supplemental vitamin D—a position that runs counter to the views of many clinicians and researchers⎯has some folks wondering if committee members had preexisting biases or vested interests against supplementation.

It turns out that at least two members of the committee hold patents on synthetic vitamin D analogs in development or already on the market as prescription drugs, and significant relationships with companies involved in vitamin D drug development.


New Survey Data Highlight Convergence of Conventional & Holistic Medicine

By August West / Contributing Writer - Vol. 11, No. 4. , 2010

Data from Holistic Primary Care’s first annual survey of primary care physicians reveal that some very positive changes are going on in the trenches of clinical practice these days. A lot more physicians are turning toward holistic approaches, with nutrition taking a much more prominent place in day-to-day practice. It seems that the “integration” we’ve been hearing so much about is really happening!

IMosaic Conference Will Cultivate Coherence & Collaboration

By Meg Sinclair | Contributing Writer - Vol. 11, No. 3. , 2010

One of the strengths of the integrative/holistic movement is its diversity. But it is also highly fragmented and relations between various professional organizations can be contentious. The Integrative Medicine Consortium, a loose affiliation of 7 distinct associations, hopes to foster coherence and cooperation with its innovative iMosaic meeting next Spring.

Ten Years After: Reflecting on Holistic Primary Care’s First Decade

By Erik L. Goldman - Vol. 11, No. 3. , 2010

Holistic Primary Care was born ten years ago, with a simple mission: to build an information bridge between the medical mainstream and the holistic disciplines and to foster a more health-centric approach to health care. A LOT has happened since that first issue rolled off the presses!


Healthcare Reform Makes Primary Care a Prime Focus…But Don’t Expect a Raise

By Erik Goldman - Vol. 11, No. 3. , 2010

Mr. Gerry Sikorski and his team of 85 health care attorneys have plumbed the depths of the new health care reform bill. They’re uniquely qualified to advise doctors on what to expect. Their bottom line? While the reform plan considers primary care and preventive medicine essential, it isn’t putting much money on the table for primary care doctors, and it won’t make it any easier for solo & small group practices to survive.