News, Policy & Economics

Insurers Need to Open Eyes to Supplement Savings

By Erik L. Goldman | Editor in Chief - Vol. 5, No. 2. , 2004

For years, industry consultant Ian Newton has been trying to convince health insurers that they ought to cover multivitamins. To do so, he developed a comprehensive computer modeling system that allows insurance execs to see the kinds of savings and health benefits they would gain. While institutional inertia has prevented most of them from moving, increasing cost pressures are starting to open some eyes.

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Alternative Link’s Coding Tools

By Staff Writer - Vol. 5, No. 2. , 2004

A listing of the coding tools and software to support Alternative Link’s ABC Code system for insurance reimbursement in holistic health care.

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Holistic Medicine No Longer Left Out in the Code: AMA, Alternative Link Define Payment Codes

By Erik L. Goldman | Editor in Chief - Vol. 5, No. 2. , 2004

A national insurance coding system for holistic medicine is on the horizon, a critical first step in facilitating widespread insurance reimbursement for natural medicine. Alternative Link’s ABC Code set is being tested in clinics around the country as part of a federally sponsored pilot study. The AMA, which controls the codes for conventional medicine, is also looking into the coding question, and may publish a code set of its own.

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Bridges in Medicine: Making Holistic Medicine Work in the Real World

By Erik L. Goldman | Editor in Chief - Vol. 5, No. 2. , 2004

This innovative integrative health clinic, led by Jeffrey Sollins, MD, recently became the first such program in the country to become eligible for Medicare reimbursement. Bridges in Medicine’s success is rooted in a spirit of open-mindedness and collegiality among all of the participating healers, and it represents a model for the future of holistic health care.

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District of Columbia Passes Naturopathic Licensure Bill

By Staff Writer - Vol. 5, No. 2. , 2004

Naturopathic doctors (NDs) in the nation’s capital can now practice legally as full-scale primary care doctors, thanks to recent passage of a licensure bill within the District. The DC bill follows closely on the heels of a major naturopathic licensure victory in the state of California.

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Integrative Medicine Conference to Focus on Judicious Supplement Use

By Staff Writer - Vol. 5, No. 1. , 2004

The first Integrative Medicine conference, sponsored by InnoVision Communications, will pair MDs with naturopaths and chiropractors to discuss nutritional interventions for a wide variety of common disorders. A preview of an innovative and highly anticipated conference.

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FDA to Ban Ephedra, Eyes Other Herbs for Weight Loss

By Janet Gulland | Contributing Writer - Vol. 5, No. 1. , 2004

Citing a number of deaths associated with ephedra, the FDA opted to ban this herb as a dietary supplement for weight loss, and may soon go after similar herbs like Bitter Orange. Herb industry leaders and natural medicine practitioners contend that the deaths were due to abuse, and that when used appropriately under practitioner supervision, the herb is safe.

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FDA to Address Obesity Epidemic

By Erik Goldman | Editor in Chief - Vol. 5, No. 1. , 2004

The Food and Drug Administration has made the obesity crisis one of its top priorities, taking on the role of coordinating all of the Federal government’s efforts in reversing the alarming trends. However, many public health experts question whether FDA truly has the resources or experience to contend with a problem of this scale.

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SB 907 at a Glance

By Staff Writer - Vol. 4, No. 4. , 2003

A closer look at the historic law that grants Naturopathic Doctors the right to licensure and independent practice in the state of California.

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Holistic Primary Care Launches CME Series on Nutritional Medicine

By Staff Writer - Vol. 4, No. 4. , 2003

As part of our ongoing effort to educate the medical community about safe, effective natural therapies, Holistic Primary Care is launching a series of accredited continuing medical education modules on nutrition. The first in the series is on natural approaches to managing high-risk lipid profiles to reduce heart disease.

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