News, Policy & Economics

New Board Offers Nutrition Certification for All Licensed Health Care Professionals

By Arthur A. Fierro, DC | Contributing Writer - Vol. 9, No. 2. , 2008

In an effort to improve nutrition education for all health care professionals, he American Clinical Board of Nutrition (ACBN) has launched the first federally-recognized nutrition science certification program. Certification is open to licensed health professionals from any and all of the healing disciplines.

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NIH-Sponsored Chelation Trial Seeks Study Sites for Heart Disease Patients

By Administrator - Vol. 9, No. 1. , 2008

Chelation therapy to prevent heart attacks has never been accepted by mainstream cardiologists, but it is popular none the less, and increasingly so in the wake of trials questioning the value of drug-eluting stents. The Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy (TACT), a $30 million NIH-sponsored study, will hopefully provide definitive answers on whether chelation has a rightful place in heart disease prevention.

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AHMA & AANP Build Bridges With “Co-Located” Annual Conferences

By John Weeks | Contributing Writer - Vol. 9, No. 1. , 2008

The joint decision by the American Holistic Medical Association and the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians to “co-locate” their annual conferences this Summer represents a significant and historic first step toward formal organizational collaboration between holistically minded MDs, osteopaths and their naturopathic colleagues.

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Chiropractic Primary Care: Is a Potentially Cost-Saving Model Headed for Extinction?

By John Weeks | Contributing Writer - Vol. 8, No. 2. , 2007

Since 1999, the Alternative Medicine Integration Group (AMI) has offered members of an Illinois HMO the option to choose chiropractors as primary care physicians (PCPs), and outcomes data show strong reductions in hospitalizations, medication use, and overall costs. But divisiveness within the chiropractic profession and limited insurance reimbursement have prevented the chiropractic primary care model from gaining ground.

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Catch-22: Can We Harvest the Health Benefits of Seafood Without Destroying the Oceans?

By Erik L. Goldman | Editor in Chief - Vol. 7, No. 4. , 2006

The recent Institute of Medicine and Harvard reports on seafood safety go a long way in allaying public concern about mercury toxicity in fish and affirming fish as a healthy food. But they largely overlook the precarious state of the world’s oceans. Can we have our fish and eat them too? Yes, say marine biologists, but only with major changes in fisheries management and consumer consciousness.

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Fourth-Year Elective Puts HEART into Medical Training

By Administrator - Vol. 7, No. 3. , 2006

The Humanistic Elective in Activism, alternative medicine, and Reflective Transformation (HEART), an annual month-long, live-in clerkship for 4th year MD and DO students sponsored by the American Medical Students Association, is trying to remedy the unhealthy grind of medical training by providing opportunities for med students to experience truly healthy living.

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New Orleans, One Year Later: Holistic Caregivers Keep On Keepin’ On Despite Major Obstacles

By Erik L. Goldman | Editor in Chief - Vol. 7, No. 3. , 2006

Though rebuilding efforts are well under way, New Orleans is wracked by a huge burden of stress-related disorders. Short on healthcare facilities and medical staff, the city struggles to get back on its feet. Community-based clinics and holistic healthcare practitioners face marginalization and lack of funding, as practitioners themselves try to heal their own traumas. A front line report from the flooded crescent.

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AMA Gears Up to Fight ND Licensure and Doctors of Nursing Practice

By Michael Traub, ND | Contributing Writer - Vol. 7, No. 3. , 2006

The American Medical Association is formalizing a policy that directly opposes licensure for naturopathic physicians. The new resolution is under review by the AMA’s House of Delegates, and is one of several political moves clearly indicating the AMA’s intention to restrict non-MD health care practitioners and re-assert its role as arbiter of health care practice.

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High Tech Holism: iCaduceus Puts Holistic Thinking on Your Computer

By Erik L. Goldman | Editor in Chief - Vol. 7, No. 2. , 2006

Medical students Gil and Christie Winkelman were simply trying to develop a study aid that would help them systematize and comprehend the vast amount of clinical material they had to learn. A few years and a few friends later, they emerged with iCaduceus, a comprehensive differential diagnosis and natural therapies guidance tool that puts comprehensive holistic thinking on physicians’ computer desktops.

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Terma Foundation: Saving Lives in Tibet’s Far Reaches

By Erik Goldman | Editor in Chief

Internist Nancy Harris, MD, has learned a lot over her 15 years of providing holistic primary care services in remote regions of Tibet. Among the lessons, the power of nutrition to transform lives, and the power of human dignity to transcend adversity.

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