Vitamins & Supplements

It “Should Be Like Masks” Resolution Urges Congress to Recognize Value of Vitamin D

By Erik Goldman

Vitamin D “should be like masks. Everybody should know about it. The government agencies should be pushing it that way,” says Congressman Glenn Grothman (R-WI). Grothman, representing Wisconsin’s 6th congressional district, wants to see vitamin D become part of the nation’s COVID control efforts. Last month, he introduced a resolution urging the federal agencies to […]

Enhancing Fertility with Functional Medicine: Insights from the Peer-Review Literature

By Erik Goldman

Approximately 1 in 8 every couples in the US faces fertility challenges. And that’s a conservative estimate. As functional medicine practitioners, we could easily postulate that optimal fertility is even more fleeting for many more people, as are optimal maternal and neonatal health outcomes. Humans today face a daunting moment. In the industrialized world, fertility […]

Platelets: How to Keep Them In the “Goldilocks” Zone

By Russell Jaffe, MD, Contributing Writer

Platelets may be tiny—on average they’re about 20% of the diameter of red blood cells—but they have huge impact on our health and wellbeing. Beyond their obvious role in blood clotting and wound healing, they are also important players in the immune system. More than we realize, optimal health depends on the platelets doing their […]

Plant Sterols: An Effective Alternative For Statin-Intolerant Patients

By Janet Gulland, Contributing Writer

A recently published case series from the University of Chicago underscores the value of plant sterol supplements for managing elevated cholesterol in statin-intolerant patients at moderate to high risk for cardiovascular disease. While statin therapy with accompanying lifestyle modification remains the preferred conventional intervention for treating dyslipidemias and reducing cardiovascular risk, many patients do not […]

Feeding Friendly Flora: Prebiotics Have Key Role in Immune Resilience

By Erik Goldman

The gut microbiome and the human immune system have a complex synergistic relationship that we are just beginning to understand. Research on this subject has exploded over the last decade, and the findings are redefining fundamental notions of what it means to be healthy, and, really what it means to be “human.” The immune system–and […]

Mood by Microbe: Stress Response and the Gut-Brain Axis

By Erik Goldman

Multiple converging lines of evidence have shown that the primary cause of chronic systemic inflammation may be the dysfunction of the gut-brain axis. In this presentation, renowned integrative psychiatrist, David Scheiderer, MD, reviews the links between dysbiosis, meta-inflammation, and various psychiatric conditions. Dr. Scheiderer discusses the impact of medications, alcohol, diet, and lifestyle on the […]

Optimizing the Brain-Microbiome Axis

By Erik Goldman

The promise of the “psychobiotic revolution” is that many of the underlying drivers of chronic mental illness can be reversed with relatively simple interventions. “We cannot change the genes in our cells. But we can change the genes in our microbiota. That can have a positive—or a negative—health benefit,” says Ted Dinan, MD, PhD, a […]

Psychobiotics: Your Brain on Friendly Flora

By Grant Jackson, MD

The typical human body contains roughly 1.5 kilograms of microorganisms. That’s about equal in weight to the average human brain. It’s an interesting equivalence, given what we are learning about the myriad ways in which the gut microbiome influences the brain and central nervous system. Many common mental illnesses, including severe depression and anxiety, are […]

The Role of Micronutrients & Probiotics in Immune Health for Children

By Erik Goldman

The immune system is an elegant and complex set of cells, proteins, and tissues designed to protect our bodies from infections, both minor and life-threatening. Both the innate and acquired immune systems are dependent upon healthy nutrition, a healthy gut microbiome, adequate rest, and management of stress. The transfer of maternal microbiota is very closely linked to a […]