Vitamins & Supplements

Eyeing Practice Evolution, Fullscript Acquires Emerson

By Erik Goldman

Fullscript CEO Kyle Braatz is on what he calls a “forever” mission: to establish a comprehensive technological infrastructure for the transformation of integrative and functional medicine into simply “medicine.” With the acquisition of its main competitor, Emerson Ecologics, Fullscript has taken a major step toward fulfillment of that mission. The deal, announced in mid-March, will […]

UNPA Honors Holistic Primary Care’s Integrity in Journalism

By Erik Goldman

The United Natural Products Alliance (UNPA), one of the supplement industry’s most influential trade associations, recently honored Holistic Primary Care with the Integrity in Journalism award. UNPA founder and president Loren Israelsen surprised HPC’s editor/co-founder Erik Goldman with the award during the organization’s annual members meeting at the 2022 Natural Products ExpoWest in Anaheim, CA. […]

My Personal Battle with Omicron

By Jon D. Kaiser, MD, Contributing Writer

In early January, I travelled to Mexico to attend the Dead and Company “Playing in the Sand” music festival at a resort in Cancun. The entire resort was booked by the festival promoter for attendees, and the staff were extremely careful and diligent about Covid-19 prevention measures. All attendees needed to provide proof of vaccination, […]

Addressing the Repair Deficits That Underlie Chronic Pain

By Russell Jaffe, MD, Contributing Writer

Roughly one in five people suffers from chronic pain of some sort. It is one of the leading causes of disability, reduced productivity, and escalating medical care costs.  While pain is often multifactorial, there’s a lot we as clinicians can do to help our chronic pain patients once we understand the relationship between inflammation, repair […]

VITAL: Vitamin D, Omegas Reduce Autoimmune Disease Risk

By Erik Goldman

Data from the massive Vitamin D and Omega-3 Trial (VITAL) show clearly that daily supplementation with 2,000 IU of vitamin D can reduce the incidence of rheumatoid arthritis, polymyalgia rheumatica, and other autoimmune conditions. Omega-3 fatty acids, at a dose of 1,000 mg per day also mitigated risk, but to a lesser degree. “Vitamin D […]

Ten Nutraceuticals for Repairing Cardiovascular Damage

By Charles K. Bens, PhD, Contributing Writer

Emerging research is challenging the long-held belief that tissue damage following myocardial infarction is permanent and irreversible. For decades, the conventional medical view has been that damaged myocardium cannot regenerate, owing to the fact that heart cells are not as readily replaced as are other cells in the body. Several research teams around the world, […]

NAC Supplements Face Ban Unless FDA Reverses Course

By Erik Goldman

Americans could lose access to N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) supplements in 2022, unless the nutrition and dietary supplements industries can prove to the Food and Drug Administration that this glutathione precursor was in widespread use as a supplement or food ingredient prior to the mid-1990s. Last year, the FDA made clear that it views NAC as […]

Vitamin D: A Top Priority for Protecting Your Patients This Winter

By Tom O'Bryan, DC, DACBN

Back in March of 1918, the ‘Spanish flu’ was spreading rapidly across the globe, killing millions and terrifying a world already ravaged by the first world war. During that summer the pandemic died down, only to rear its ugly head the following winter, killing many more. More than a century later, we are now into […]

New Studies Strengthen Case for Zinc Against COVID, Respiratory Bugs

By Erik Goldman

Daily supplementation with zinc picolinate markedly reduced the prevalence of severe symptomatic COVID-19 among a cohort of high-risk patients in the state of Florida, according to data from a new case-control study. “Individuals in the control group were 5.93 times more likely to develop symptomatic COVID-19 infection as compared with individuals in the treatment group,” […]