Infectious Disease

Confronting the “Antibiotic Iceberg”

By Erik Goldman

Antimicrobial resistance is just the tip of the iceberg of adverse health consequences caused by antibiotic overuse, according to Martin J. Blaser, MD, director of the Rutgers University Center for Advanced Biotechnology and Medicine. The less obvious—and therefore more dangerous—part of the iceberg, he says, is the epidemic of chronic inflammatory diseases driven in large […]

COVID Pandemic Stokes Surge in Supplement Use

By Janet Gulland, Contributing Writer

The COVID-19 pandemic has fueled a massive surge in supplement use across the United States, according to data from a new Harris Poll sponsored by the Samueli Foundation. The survey gathered responses from 2,053 US women and men, representing a broad range of ages, ethnicities, and geographical locations. Over three quarters of the respondents (76%) […]

Covid Longhaulers Benefit From a Functional Medicine Approach

By Jon D. Kaiser, MD, Contributing Writer

The term “Post-Covid Syndrome,” broadly relates to people of all ages who have had a recent documented Covid-19 infection, subsequently tested negative either once or multiple times, yet still have persistent symptoms including fatigue, brain fog, gastrointestinal symptoms, headaches, dyspnea, muscle aches, chest pain, reduced exercise tolerance and heart palpitations. These symptoms persist long after […]

Antibiotics at the Crossroads

By Erik Goldman

Antibiotics can sometimes be almost miraculous in their clinical impact. Over the last 70 years, since their introduction into routine medical practice, they’ve saved countless lives. But in many cases the benefits are much less dramatic or apparent. Further, there is increasing evidence that routine use of antibiotics can have long-term detrimental effects on human […]

Biden COVID Plan Overlooks Vitamin D, Nutrition

By Erik Goldman

Search the Biden administration’s new National Strategy for the COVID-19 Response and Pandemic Preparedness for the term “Vitamin D” and you will come up with nothing. Vitamin C? Nothing. Zinc? Nope, nothing. The word “nutrition” does appear thrice, but only in the context of malnutrition, and the need to bolster the government’s food aid programs. […]

Maintaining Resilience by Supporting Healthy Mitochondrial Function

By Erik Goldman

In recent years, researchers and medical practitioners alike have taken interest in a particular molecule known to be the master regulator of cellular metabolism — nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+). NAD+ is a ubiquitous coenzyme involved in hundreds of metabolic processes, including: mitochondrial energy production, glycolysis, and DNA synthesis and repair. It also plays a vital […]

From Music Gear to Medical PPE: How D’Addario Stepped Up to COVID-19

By Erik Goldman

The D’Addario musical accessories company has been through many ups and downs since its founder Carmine D’Addario (aka Charles) emigrated to Astoria, New York, in 1905, and began making sheep gut guitar strings in a shop behind his house.  But in 4 generations, the company had never ceased operations completely. Then COVID-19 hit the US. […]

Functional Med Practices Show Resilience Through the COVID Storm

By Erik Goldman

Data from a survey of over 3,500 functional, integrative, and metabolic medicine practitioners suggests that most are navigating the stormy post-COVID waters with considerable resilience. Compared with other physician surveys posted over the course of the last 9 months, the functional and holistic clinicians in this cohort report fewer practice closures and less income loss. […]

Bolstering Mucosal Barriers is Key to Boosting Immunity

By Mark Engelman, MD & Chad Larson, NMD, DC

The COVID-19 pandemic, along with the onset of flu season, have a lot of people thinking about their immune systems, and seeking ways to improve resilience to viruses and other types of infection. The best way to help patients strengthen their immunity is to work with them to optimize gut health and strengthen epithelial barriers. […]