Infectious Disease

The Pneumonia-Obesity Connection

By Erik Goldman

Exposure to Chlamydia pneumoniae, the most common pathogen causing human pneumonia, correlates strongly with overweight especially in women. The increased risk was independent of the other common risk factors for obesity, and may reflect the effects of long-term chronic inflammation triggered by the pathogen.

A Culinary Favorite, Oregano Shows its Antimicrobial Muster

By Janet Gulland - Vol. 12, No. 4. , 2011

Oregano has a long legacy in traditional medicine from Europe, the Middle East and Central Asia. Hippocrates recommended it as an antiseptic and a treatment for gastrointestinal and respiratory ailments. A spate of recent research shows that the herb can inhibit a number of human pathogens including Staphylococcus, Salmonella and Aspergillus.

The Cure for “Listeria Hysteria?” Strengthening Innate Defenses!

By Roby Mitchell, MD (aka "Dr. Fitt")

All this “Listeria Hysteria” that followed the reports of contaminated cantaloupe reminds me of a Twilight Zone episode. We’re destroying a relatively healthy food by the ton, issuing dire warnings about deadly pathogens, and generally scaring an already scared public, all without taking stock of what’s really going on. I don’t mean to downplay the […]

Diagnosing Lyme Disease: A Simple Point System

By Erik Goldman - Vol. 12, No. 3. , 2011

Many of the clinical manifestations of Lyme disease are non-specific, constantly shifting, and shared with many other conditions. This makes it very challenging to diagnose accurately. Dr. Joe Burrascano, one of the nation’s leading clinicians focused on Lyme disease, outlines a simple point-based system for making sense of the history, physical exam and symptom patterns.

The Lyme Disease “Rogue’s Gallery”

By Erik Goldman - Vol. 12, No. 3. , 2011

Borrelia berdorferi takes the rap as the prime cause of Lyme disease, but it seldom works alone. Ticks carry many other pathogens that often co-infect people with Lyme. Here is a line-up of some of the most common co-pathogens and their clinical characteristics.


Shape Shifters, Hidden Accomplices & Nature’s Dirty Needles: Confronting the Challenges of Lyme Disease

By Erik Goldman - Vol. 12, No. 3. , 2011

There are reasons why Lyme Disease is so difficult to treat: Borrelia bergdorferi, the main pathogen, is one a highly complex shape-shifting organism, and it is only susceptible to treatment during certain phases of it’s life-cycle. Plus, it seldom works alone. Other bugs like Babesia, Ehrlichia, and Bartonella, are common accomplices. Dr. Joe Burrascano, one of the nation’s leading Lyme experts offers diagnostic & therapeutic tips.

Is Herpes A Trigger for Alzheimer’s Disease?

By Erik Goldman - Vol. 12, No. 2. , 2011

An emerging line of research is implicating the herpes simplex virus and other infectious pathogens as underlying triggers for formation of β-amyloid plaques in the brain, the hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease. The possibility that there is an infectious component in the development of Alzheimer’s opens new possibilities for preventing and treating this devastating disorder.

Institute for Functional Medicine Conference To Focus on Challenges of Infectious Disease

By Sheila Quinn / Contributing Writer - Vol. 12, No. 1. , 2011

Forty years ago, the Surgeon General declared that we’d “won the war on infectious disease.” Unfortunately, we now know that’s not true. Not only have new pathogens arisen since then (HIV, avian flu, Ebola, to name a few), centuries-old ones have morphed into more virulent forms, thanks in large part to overuse of antibiotics and other drugs. The Institute for Functional Medicine’s 20th Anniversary Symposium offers a unique opportunity to learn integrative strategies for meeting the challenges of infectious diseases in the 21st century.