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Showing Results For: Michael Traub

Naturopathic Medicine, Prescribing Rights & The Hard Road to a Better Health Care System

Last year, Hawaii naturopaths won a major victory when the state legislature expanded their independent prescribing authority. No sooner had the ink dried then the Hawaii Medical Assocation, with blessings from the AMA, sought to repeal the new law. The opposition is troubling given the dire shortage of primary care MDs in Hawaii and many other states.
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Naturopathic Medicine, Prescribing Rights & The Hard Road to a Better Health Care System

Last year, Hawaii naturopaths won a major victory when the state legislature expanded their independent prescribing authority. No sooner had the ink dried then the Hawaii Medical Assocation, with blessings from the AMA, sought to repeal the new law. The opposition is troubling given the dire shortage of primary care MDs in Hawaii and many other states.
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Phototherapy a Safe, Effective Treatment for Acne, Psoriasis & Other Skin Disorders

Phototherapy, the application of carefully-controlled pulses of light directly to the skin surface, is a highly effective and safe technique enabling primary care physicians to treat acne, psoriasis and other common, chronic skin disorders.

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Phototherapy a Safe, Effective Treatment for Acne, Psoriasis & Other Skin Disorders

Phototherapy, the application of carefully-controlled pulses of light directly to the skin surface, is a highly effective and safe technique enabling primary care physicians to treat acne, psoriasis and other common, chronic skin disorders.

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Sensitivity, Stress Reduction & Quelling Inflammation Are Keys to Managing Acne

High-dose vitamin A, an inflammation-lowering diet, stress reduction and a healthy dose of kindness can go a long way toward reducing the physical and psychosocial impact of acne.

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Natural Medicine & Healthcare Reform: Taking Our Places, Raising Our Voices

Health policy experts are concerned that health care reform efforts could be stymied by a severe lack of primary care doctors. The problem could be attenuated if those presiding over reform would allow the thousands of licensed or license-eligible naturopaths and other holistic non-MD practitioners help to shape and then participate in a reformed health care system.

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Seafood Safety Reports Make Big Splash

The issue of whether or not to eat fish has had a lot of people floundering in recent years. Many are concerned about mercury and other environmental toxins found in some fish. Two major reports, one from the Institute of Medicine, and another from researchers at Harvard insist that the health benefits of a fish-rich diet far outweigh the minimal risks. Enviro-groups contend that the reports are downplaying the pollution problem.

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Raising Vitamin D vs. Reducing Skin Cancer: Are They Mutually Exclusive Goals?

As we've learned more about the importance of vitamin D in preventing heart disease, colon cancer, diabetes and depression, some people have begun to challenge skin cancer reduction efforts focused on sun avoidance. But careful review of the science shows that oral vitamin D supplements can more than compensate for any vitamin D lost through sun-avoidance. For light skinned people, sun protection makes most sense---just make sure to use eco-friendly products.

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Making Sense of Bioidentical Hormones

Use of bioidentical hormones - estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone derived from plants such as soy or yam - has grown rapidly over the last decade. According to a new FDA rule, claims that bioidentical hormones are safer or more effective than conventional HRT are false and misleading. The issue has become one of the hottest women's health controversies.

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Natural Medicine & Healthcare Reform: Taking Our Places, Raising Our Voices

Health policy experts are concerned that health care reform efforts could be stymied by a severe lack of primary care doctors. The problem could be attenuated if those presiding over reform would allow the thousands of licensed or license-eligible naturopaths and other holistic non-MD practitioners help to shape and then participate in a reformed health care system.

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