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Showing Results For: Michael Traub

Alternatives to Flu Shots

The widespread lack of flu vaccines has many people looking for naturopathic ways to prevent and treat the flu. Elderberry, Ginseng, Echinacea, Vitamin C and many other botanical and nutritional products can help.

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The Naturopathic Medical Research Agenda

Much of the research in "complementary and alternative medicine," has been done by investigators with little experience practicing the therapies they study. Over the last few years, leaders in the naturopathic community have developed an agenda for naturopathic research which better reflects the unique features of naturopathic practice.

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Insurance Coding: Unprecedented Opportunities

The appointment of a naturopathic doctor to the AMA's CPT advisory committee has provided the naturopathic profession with an entr

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Lifestyle Change: Preventive Medicine’s Biggest Challenge

Helping patients to make lasting healthy lifestyle changes is one of the biggest challenges facing prevention-minded physicians. It is also one of the most important aspects of medical practice. The naturopathic disciplines are uniquely suited to helping patients make the shift.

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Holistic Strategies for Managing Asthma

Conventional treatment of asthma relies on corticosteroids, Beta-2 agonists, and antibiotics, all of which can have considerable long-term side effects. Naturopathic medicine focuses on identifying and eliminating infectious and allergenic triggers of asthma, and in using various nutrients and herbs to down-regulate the chronic inflammation that characterizes the disease.

Making Sense of Bioidentical Hormones

Use of bioidentical hormones - estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone derived from plants such as soy or yam - has grown rapidly over the last decade. According to a new FDA rule, claims that bioidentical hormones are safer or more effective than conventional HRT are false and misleading. The issue has become one of the hottest women's health controversies.

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The Codes of Life

Is the ancient Scriptural passage referring to the genetic code? That's debatable. But one thing is clear: the language of DNA, the Holy Writ shared by all living things, does indeed become flesh. The quaternary code of the nucleotides contains blueprints for health, as well as recipes for illness.

Seafood Safety Reports Make Big Splash

The issue of whether or not to eat fish has had a lot of people floundering in recent years. Many are concerned about mercury and other environmental toxins found in some fish. Two major reports, one from the Institute of Medicine, and another from researchers at Harvard insist that the health benefits of a fish-rich diet far outweigh the minimal risks. Enviro-groups contend that the reports are downplaying the pollution problem.

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AMA Gears Up to Fight ND Licensure and Doctors of Nursing Practice

The American Medical Association is formalizing a policy that directly opposes licensure for naturopathic physicians. The new resolution is under review by the AMA's House of Delegates, and is one of several political moves clearly indicating the AMA's intention to restrict non-MD health care practitioners and re-assert its role as arbiter of health care practice.

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Hypothyroidism: Very Common But Easily Missed

Hypothyroidism is very common, and it has serious health consequences, including cardiovascular disease, obesity, menorrhagia, infertility, polycystic ovarian syndrome, depression, psoriasis, and urticaria. But you'll often miss it if you rely solely on conventional diagnostic criteria.

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