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Showing Results For: Michael Traub

Phototherapy a Safe, Effective Treatment for Acne, Psoriasis & Other Skin Disorders

Phototherapy, the application of carefully-controlled pulses of light directly to the skin surface, is a highly effective and safe technique enabling primary care physicians to treat acne, psoriasis and other common, chronic skin disorders.

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Hypothyroidism: Very Common But Easily Missed

Hypothyroidism is very common, and it has serious health consequences, including cardiovascular disease, obesity, menorrhagia, infertility, polycystic ovarian syndrome, depression, psoriasis, and urticaria. But you'll often miss it if you rely solely on conventional diagnostic criteria.

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Does C-reactive Protein Have a Place in the CVD Risk Pantheon?

One of the hottest debates in cardiology for the past few years centers on the question of whether C-reactive protein is a meaningful risk indicator for heart disease. It clearly correlates with a tendency toward inflammation, but is it truly causative? Dr. Traub contends that even if there's no direct causal relationship, an elevated CRP is telling you that something's wrong---something that warrants attention.

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AMA Gears Up to Fight ND Licensure and Doctors of Nursing Practice

American Medical Association is formalizing a position statement that directly opposes state licensure for graduates of the nation's four-year naturopathic medical schools. The resolution, drafted by AMA delegates in Florida, where NDs have come close to winning a licensure bill, is one of several recent moves by the AMA aimed at curtailing the growth of the naturopathic and nursing professions.

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Surgically Significant Supplements

There are many misconceptions about the relative safety, risk, and efficacy of herbs and nutritional supplements for patients requiring surgery. Drs. Traub and Scheel set the record straight on Ginkgo, Vitamin E, Bromelain, Zinc and others.

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What Is the Connection Between Skin Care Products and Breast Cancer?

The average American woman applies 12 cosmetics and body care products every day. Unfortunately, most of these are loaded with parabens and phthalates, synthetic preservatives and texturizers that may be linked to breast cancer. Drs. Traub and Scheel review the science on this issue, and offer less toxic cosmetic options.

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Is Homocysteine Dead?

There are some major design flaws in the NORVIT trial, which suggested that there's little cardiovascular benefit to lowering homocysteine with folic acid therapy. Don't throw out your folic acid yet!

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L-Arginine Improves Vascular Function

L-arginine is an amino acid that the body converts into nitric acid, resulting in relaxation of blood vessel walls and improved blood flow. Supplementation with a new sustained release form of L-arginine can reduce cardiovascular disease risk.

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Naturopathic Principles for the Treatment of Atopic Dermatitis

While conventional treatment of atopic dermatitis focuses on suppressing the overactive immune system, the naturopathic approach looks at the underlying triggers of immune system hyperactivity. In many cases, this includes food sensitivities.

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Combining Natural Medicines and Conventional Cancer Treatment: Hard Questions, Complex Answers

Can antioxidant vitamins and immune-system enhancing herbs be combined with conventional chemo- and radiation therapy for cancer? This is one of the most hotly debated topics in cancer care. There are no simple cut and dry answers, but if oncologists and natural medicine practitioners work together, they can usually tailor a comprehensive treatment plan that will benefit their patients.

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