
Nutritional Support for Post-Menopausal Osteoarthritis

By Erik Goldman

According to the American College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists, there are roughly 27 million American women in the peri- to post-menopausal years–that’s 20% of the US work force. And each year, roughly 2 million American women reach menopause. Women betwen the ages of 50-60 years have a 3.5-fold higher risk of osteoarthritis than men of […]

Diet, Inflammation, and Immunity: Modern & Traditional Perspectives

By Erik Goldman

Ayurveda–India’s 4,000-year-old system of medicine–can provide modern healthcare professions with many time-tested, lifestyle-based approaches to mitigate the burden of chronic inflammatory diseases that affect so many of our patients. In this free webinar, the core faculty members of the Maharishi International University (MIU)–the leading US ayurvedic training center–share their experience applying ayurvedic principles for improving […]

Hormone Replacement Therapy & Bone Health: Cyplexinol Nutritional Support

By Administrator

On average, women’s bone density decreases by 10% during the five years of menopause, due to changes in estrogen. While Hormone Replacement Therapy offers support in maintaining bone health, there can be a precipitous loss when women discontinue HRT. Along with the decline in estrogen, there is a concurrent 40% drop in production of bone-stimulating […]

IBS & Osteoporosis – The Role of Bone Morphogenic Proteins

By Erik Goldman

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and Osteoporosis are two of the top conditions that integrative practitioners manage among their patients. But many clinicians do not recognize how these conditions are related, and the systemic impact they have on their patients.   In this free webinar, Cynthia Worden, DO, SHPE, IFMCP, explores the elevated comorbidity rate of […]

Webinar: Understanding the Impact of California’s AB 2098 on Practitioners and the Natural Product Industry

By Erik Goldman

Last summer, the California legislature passed a new law (AB 2098) deputizing the state’s medical board to take disciplinary action—including revocation of licenses—against MDs and DOs who spread Covid-related “disinformation” or “misinformation.” While clearly intended to target doctors who question or criticize federal and state vaccine policies, AB 2098 is based on a broad definition […]

Regenerative Therapies & Musculoskeletal Regenerative Nutrition

By Erik Goldman

Regenerative therapies such as Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) injections & Prolotherapy stimulate the body’s ability to stabilize inflammatory processes and generate new tissue within the musculoskeletal system. In this free webinar, regenerative medicine expert Dustin Moffitt, ND, will explore how a nutraceutical called Ostinol®–a growth factor complex patented for osteoinductive properties–can be used support regenerative treatment […]

Hormone Replacement Therapy & Bone Health: Cyplexinol Nutritional Support

By Erik Goldman

Hormone Replacement Therapy & Bone Health: Cyplexinol Nutritional Support On average bone density decreases by 10% in women during the five years of menopause due to changes in estrogen. While Hormone Replacement Therapy offers support in maintaining bone health, there can be a precipitous loss when women discontinue HRT. Along with the decline in estrogen, […]

The Transformative Benefits of Nicotinamide Riboside and NAD+: Targeting a Root Cause of Aging

By Erik Goldman

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), “At the biological level, aging results from the impact of the accumulation of a wide variety of molecular and cellular damage over time.” Age-related functional decline occurs from exposure to physiological and metabolic stressors that cause subsequent epigenetic changes. Overall health depends, in large part, on cellular resilience […]

Bacillopeptidase F: Its Impact on Metabolic Syndrome Disorder

By Erik Goldman

Metabolic disorders, especially overweight and obesity, diabetes, and dyslipidemia are some of the most common illnesses all over the world, carrying a high burden of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. In this free webinar, renowned integrative physician Fred Pescatore, MD, will share the science on a soy-derived fibrinolytic enzyme called Bacillopeptidase F, which is shown to […]