Nutrition & Lifestyle

Rickets on the Rise: CDC to Urge Vitamin D for Breast-Fed Babies

By Peggy Peck | Contributing Writer - Vol. 1, No. 2. , 2000

The return to breast-feeding in the US has had an unintended consequence: Rickets. This skeletal disease, which arises from vitamin D deficiency, is on the rise, and Centers for Disease Control experts attribute it to a combination of breast-feeding (breast milk is very low in vitamin D) and melanoma prevention efforts that encourage parents to keep their kids out of the sun.

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Low-Fat Diet May Beat Down Belly Bugs: Good for the Heart, Good for the Gizzard

By August West | Contributing Writer - Vol. 1, No. 1. , 2000

Linoleic acid and other polyunsaturated “good” fats can inhibit the growth of Helicobacter pylori, the bug that contributes to development of peptic ulcers. The research suggests that reducing saturated fat and increasing polyunsaturates may be a good way to control ulcers.

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Simple Solutions for Common Nutrient Deficiencies

By Erik L. Goldman | Editor in Chief - Vol. 1, No. 1. , 2000

Many people who end up in doctors’ offices have nutritional deficiencies, including deficiencies in protein, B vitamins, and magnesium that markedly impact their overall health status. These deficiencies are easily reversed, if only physicians would think about them.

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Tobacco Smoking Increases Psoriasis Risk

By Jim Rowe | Contributing Writer - Vol. 1, No. 1. , 2000

US and European studies show that tobacco smoking increases risk of psoriasis, as does frequent consumption of alcohol. These correlations appear to be stronger in men than in women. Keratinocytes, the skin cells that produce the characteristic scaling of psoriasis, have receptors for nicotine.

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The Three-Question Diet Profile

By Erik L. Goldman | Editor in Chief - Vol. 1, No. 1. , 2000

Three simple questions can tell a lot about someone’s nutritional status and diet consciousness. How many daily servings of fruit and vegetables do you eat? Do you drink milk everyday? Do you take a daily multivitamin?

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Healthy Diet May Reduce Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease

By Peggy Peck | Contributing Writer - Vol. 1, No. 1. , 2000

The same low-fat, vegetable and fruit-rich diet that prevents heart disease also reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. The good news is that diet appears to have the greatest preventive impact in people at the highest genetic risk for Alzheimer’s.

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Enhancing Nutritional Status to Improve Fertility

By Chris Meletis, ND

Roughly 1 in 7 American couples have difficulty conceiving, and each year they spend between $2-3 billion on fertility drugs, assisted reproduction, and other medical services. In many cases, drug based interventions can be avoided through greater attention to the couple’s nutritional status and stress level, both of which profoundly affect fertility.

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The Weight Is Over: HCG, Weight Loss & Health Care Reform

By Roby Mitchell, MD | Contributing Writer

Obesity and associated chronic diseases cost this country roughly $147 billion a year in direct medical expenses. It’s not a problem that will be legislated away by health care reform plans that perpetuate status quo medical approaches. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) therapy, when combined with a careful diet plan, regular exercise and other hormone-based treatments, can make a huge difference in helping people lose weight, and could help trim the nation’s health care budget as well.

Vitamin D2 or D3: Which Is D Best?

By Tori Hudson, ND | Contributing Writer - Vol. 9, No. 2. , 2008

A wealth of studies in recent years have underscored the health threats posed by vitamin D deficiency. But considerable debate has raged over which form of the vitamin is the best for supplementation. Many clinicians believe that vitamin D3, derived from fish and other animal sources, is more potent than D2, the “vegetarian” form. But new data suggest that may not be true.

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