Nutrition & Lifestyle

Acidic Stress: The Common Thread Among Disparate Diseases?

By Sara Lovelady | Contributing Writer - Vol. 5, No. 2. , 2004

Even mild elevations in blood and tissue acid levels may have detrimental effects over the long term. A growing body of research indicates that hyper-acidity, due largely to over-consumption of foods that are metabolized into acidic compounds, can contribute to osteoporosis, arthritis and inflammatory disease. A guide on how to shift diet toward alkalinizing foods, and a look at supplements that can help reverse acidic stress.

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In a Pitch to Change Its Unhealthy Image, McDonald’s Says, “See Ya” to Supersizing

By August West | Contributing Writer - Vol. 5, No. 2. , 2004

Recently, the Big Yellow Clown said “Bye-bye” to his longstanding habit of “supersizing,” and “Hello” to a new series of adult “Go Active Happy Meals.” But a closer look at those supposedly healthy alternatives reveal some facts that are hard to swallow.

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Supersizing Sickness: Food Industry Economics Drive Obesity Epidemic

By August West | Contributing Writer - Vol. 5, No. 1. , 2004

The food and beverage industry spends on the order of $30 billion each year on advertising for processed convenience foods, far outstripping public health funds allocated for obesity prevention. For the most part, their message is “Eat more.” According to author Marion Nestle, medicine must reckon with the realities of food industry economics in order to have any impact on the obesity problem.

National Weight Control Registry: Diverse Approaches, Common Principles

By Staff Writer - Vol. 5, No. 1. , 2004

Data from the National Weight Control Registry, a database tracking 3,200 formerly obese people who lost weight without drugs, indicate that there is no single “magic” diet that will ensure weight loss. However, all successful dieters reduced intake of fats, especially saturated fats, and regularly engaged in moderate-intensity physical exercise.

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Moderate Activity Gives Maximum Benefits in Controlling Weight

By Staff Writer - Vol. 5, No. 1. , 2004

Exercise need not be overly intense to produce marked reductions in body fat. In fact, studies show that moderate activity has the greatest overall long-term impact on body mass. A report from an international conference on obesity.

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Equol Rights: Researchers Rediscover Soy’s “Forgotten” Isoflavone

By Erik L. Goldman | Editor in Chief - Vol. 3, No. 1. , 2002

Genistein and daidzein are the two best-known phytoestrogens identified in soy. But roughly one-third of all people who eat soy can metabolize diadzein into equol, which is among the most potent plant estrogens known. This could account for the widely variant outcomes in clinical trials of soy for prevention of breast cancer, menopausal symptoms and other clinical conditions.

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Functional Medicine: Nutrition’s Info Revolution

By Erik L. Goldman | Editor in Chief - Vol. 3, No. 1. , 2002

The core tenet of the emerging discipline of functional medicine is that nutrition is the major determinant of gene expression, and therefore of health and disease. Functional medicine pioneer Jeff Bland, PhD, explains how, in a sense, food is information that tells the genes what to do. Depending on the signals we send our genes, they can produce health and happiness or depression and disease.

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Novel Imaging Technique Reveals Breast Benefits of Soy Supplementation

By Erik L. Goldman | Editor in Chief - Vol. 3, No. 1. , 2002

A new imaging technique called Breast Enhanced Scintigraphy Testing has provided the first visual evidence that routine supplementation with soy isoflavones can reduce the size of pre-malignant breast lesions in women at increased risk of breast cancer.

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Challenging Medicine’s Blind Eye on Dairy-CHD Link

By Janet Gulland | Staff Writer - Vol. 2, No. 2. , 2002

Cardiologist Steven Horowitz believes that medicine has largely ignored the substantial science linking increased dairy consumption and cardiovascular disease. On a population basis, cardiovascular risk is lowest in countries that consume the least amount of dairy. Dr. Horowitz challenges the prevailing view that milk and milk products are essentially healthy foods.

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Lowering CVD Risk: Are Doctors Selling Wine Before Its Time?

By Todd Zwillich | Contributing Writer - Vol. 2, No. 2. , 2002

Epidemiological data suggests that moderate alcohol consumption, particularly red wine, can reduce risk of heart disease, leading some doctors to recommend wine drinking as a preventive measure. But some experts caution that there are no controlled clinical trials to confirm wine’s alleged heart benefits.

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