Risk assessment is a foundation of good clinical practice. Accurate and individualized risk prediction allows for informed decision-making, enhanced disease screening and personalized risk-reduction strategies for your patients.
We’re all aware of the use of penetrant genes like BRCA1/2 as genomic markers for cancer susceptibility. But there is a lesser-known disease susceptibility indicator known as polygenic risk score (PRS), that can be highly valuable in clinical practice.
In this FREE webinar, Dr. Joel Evans will explore the role of PRS in clinical decision-making. He’ll highlight the value of PRS when integrated with other clinical risk factors in assessing a patient’s risk of developing disease, and describe how to implement this type of clinically-integrated genetic technology in longevity-focused precision medicine practice.
As a women’s healthcare practitioner with a passion for hormone replacement therapy, Dr. Evans will focus specifically on the benefits of PRS for breast cancer risk assessment. He’ll also touch on application of the same technology for other cancers including ovarian, colorectal, pancreatic, prostate and melanoma, and other common disorders like type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
With PRS assessment, you can now offer your patients the latest in disease risk
prediction to create personalized treatment plans to increase health span,
wellness, and longevity.
You’ll learn:
- The basics of predictive genomics in the context of polygenic risk
- How assessment of polygenic risk, in combination with other clinical risk factors, can positively impact your implementation of longevity medicine
- Practical approaches for utilizing the latest in genomic-integrated clinical risk prediction into your clinical practice
Joel Evans, MD, is Chief Medical Officer at geneType, and is a board-certified OB/GYN and international lecturer. He is the Director of The Center for Functional Medicine in Ridgefield, CT, and Chief of Medical Affairs for the Institute for Functional Medicine. Dr. Evans is renowned for his passion for mind-body medicine. His special interest in breast cancer led him to serve as the Medical Director of the Keep A Breast Foundation. Dr. Evans brings decades of applied research about cancer risk and prevention to his patients, and to the functional medicine community.