Healthy Aging

Nutrition, Natural Products and Arthritis

By Erik L. Goldman | Editor in Chief - Vol. 7, No. 1. , 2006

Glucosamine and chondroitin may be the most popular natural products for treating arthritis, but they’re not the only ones. Zyflamend, LitoZin, Pycnogenol and Limbrel can also provide safe, effective treatment for osteoarthritis.

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Pycnogenol-Nattokinase Combo Prevents In-Flight Venous Thrombosis

By Erik Goldman | Editor in Chief - Vol. 5, No. 1. , 2004

Deep vein thrombosis during long airline flights is far more common than many people realize. Diabetes, obesity, heart disease, smoking and chronic fatigue all increase risk. Fortunately, a new combination of nattokinase, a soy-derived enzyme, and pycnogenol, a natural clot-buster from French maritime pine trees, can markedly reduce incidence of this often-deadly condition.

Drug Induced Nutrient Depletions (Part 1)

By Staff Writer - Vol. 4, No. 2. , 2003

Many commonly used pharmaceuticals produce depletions of important nutrients that, over time, lead to side-effects, diminished overall nutritional status, and poor health. Fortunately, these depletions are usually correctable with judicious use of supplements. This first in a series of charts addressing this topic reviews depletions associated with common cardiovascular drugs, and the appropriate nutrient dosing needed to reverse the problem.

Drug Induced Nutrient Depletions (Part 2)

By Staff Writer - Vol. 4, No. 3. , 2003

The second part in our series of charts describing nutrient depletions caused by commonly used pharmaceuticals. This chart covers hormone replacement, oral contraceptives, and various classes of antibiotics.

Drug Induced Nutrient Depletions (Part 3)

By Staff Writer - Vol. 4, No. 4. , 2003

Many commonly used drugs deplete essential nutrients, meaning that individuals taking a lot of medications may be compromising their nutritional status. Fortunately, these depletions are easy to correct with judicious use of supplements. This chart, the third in our series, reviews the nutrient-depletions associated with common drugs for diabetes, ulcers, and psychiatric disorders.

Optimizing the Use of Cardiovascular Herbs

By Erik L. Goldman | Editor in Chief - Vol. 3, No. 3. , 2002

Garlic, Capsicum, Hawthorn, and Ginkgo are among a number of herbs that can help in preventing or treating cardiovascular disease. Judicious use of these herbs can eliminate the need for expensive medications in many cases. Paul Saunders, ND, PhD, offers his extensive experience using herbs for heart health.

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Facing the Shadow Side of Statins: Petition Urges FDA to Mandate CoQ10 Recommendation on Statin Labels

By Erik L. Goldman | Editor in Chief - Vol. 3, No. 3. , 2002

Statins are very effective at reducing LDL and total cholesterol, but they also deplete coenzyme Q10, a naturally occurring substance that is essential for normal muscle and heart function. Citing evidence that a major statin manufacturer knew the risks in the early ’90s but took no action, Dr. Julian Whitaker sent a petition to the FDA to put a black box warning on all statin labels stating the dangers of CoQ10 depletion.

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How High Is Too High? Elevated Homocysteine Raises Stroke Specter

By Peggy Peck | Contributing Writer - Vol. 2, No. 2. , 2001

Epidemiologically, elevated homocysteine levels are correlated with increased risk of stroke. But on an individual basis, it is difficult to know when someone’s homocysteine measurement is signaling an increased likelihood of stroke.


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Dietary Supplements in Children: Parents Rush in Where Researchers Fear to Tread

By Dana Trevas | Contributing Writer - Vol. 2, No. 2. , 2001

Don’t expect too much help from federal authorities when trying to figure out what supplements your child might need. Though there are mountains of scientific studies on childhood nutrition, there is little consensus on how to apply that data in a practical way for optimal childhood nutrition. Parents, undaunted by the lack f “official” guidance, are figuring it all out for themselves.

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Antioxidants During Chemotherapy Spur Controversy

By Dana Trevas | Contributing Writer - Vol. 1, No. 2. , 2000

Do antioxidant vitamins help or hinder conventional cancer treatments? The science on this topic is incomplete and there are strong opinions on both sides. The reality is there may not be a clear-cut single answer. Antioxidants may be extremely helpful in some types of cancer, in combination with some forms of chemo or radiotherapy, but detrimental in others.

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