
Restoring the Sacred to Surgery

By Janet Gulland | Staff Writer - Vol. 4, No. 3. , 2003

To a surgeon, it may be just another case. But to the patient, an operation—any operation, even a “minor” one—can be a profound and frightening experience, one that requires a deep level of trust. Judith Petry, MD, describes how her own experience under the knife opened her eyes to the need for greater reverence and respect in the operating room.

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Ending the War: Transforming Medicine’s Military Mindset

By Janet Gulland | Contributing Writer - Vol. 4, No. 2. , 2003

For much of its history, conventional allopathic medicine has used the language of warfare to describe its methods and practices. Adversarial thinking is deeply ingrained in medical culture. Gladys McGarey, MD, one of the pioneers of the holistic medicine movement, believes it is high time to change that.

On Death, Dying, Doctors and Denial

By Erik L. Goldman | Editor in Chief - Vol. 2, No. 2. , 2001

No matter how good a doctor is, all of his or her patients will die—someday. Even the doctor, too, is a mere mortal. But medicine has had a very hard time reckoning with this basic fact of life. According to Leslie Blackhall, MD, a geriatric and palliative care specialist, medicine’s denial of death is a major contributor to health care costs.

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Evidence-Based Music: Folk Bests Jazz as Treatment of Choice

By Janet Gulland | Staff Writer - Vol. 2, No. 2. , 2001

In an April Fool’s Day parody, David Reilly, MD, a Scottish physician best known for his landmark studies of homeopathy, applies the standards of evidence-based medicine to determine which kind of music is “the most effective.”

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TCM Practitioners Ponder Future of Integration

By Dana Trevas | Contributing Writer - Vol. 1, No. 2. , 2000

The emergence of holistic health care, and particularly Oriental medicine, into the medical mainstream may have befuddled many conventionally trained physicians. It has been equally confusing on the other side of the fence. Practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine, who often find themselves practicing in collaboration with MDs, voice their experiences and concerns.

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Alternative Medicine Looks at the Bottom Line

By Dana Trevas | Contributing Writer - Vol. 1, No. 2. , 2000

Holistic medicine is all about humanity and compassion, but one cannot ignore the economic issues raised by the emergence of holistic approaches into mainstream medicine. Practitioners, patients and policy makers are struggling to figure out how natural medicine fits, and who will ultimately pay for it.

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Revitalizing Your Office with Feng Shui

By Barry A. Sultanoff, MD - Vol. 1, No. 1. , 2000

Many medical clinics are drab, joyless environments. But they don’t have to be this way. Dr. Barry Sultanoff shows how the principles of Feng Shui, the Chinese art of environmental design, can be easily applied to health care settings, transforming them from sterile and depressing treatment rooms to energized healing spaces.

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Breaking the Habit of Making Matters Worse

By Staff Writer - Vol. 2, No. 2. , 2001

Pain is a fact of life. Suffering is all of what we add on to the pain: all of the explanations, blame, worry, and fear. In most cases, all these added-on emotions and thoughts do little to help us actually work with painful situations.

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The Physician Personality: Overcoming “Overcare” and Perfectionism

By Lee Lipsenthal, MD - Vol. 5, No. 4. , 2004

Perfectionism, competitiveness, and a sometimes overwhelming desire to do good are very common personality traits among people drawn to a career in medicine. Unfortunately, these very traits can wreak havoc in physicians’ personal and professional lives. Beneath the drive to know everything and always make the right treatment decisions is often a deep insecurity. Dr. Lee Lipsenthal explores the hidden fears underneath the mask of medical authority.

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