Healthy Aging

Anticholinergic Meds: Bad News For Aging Brains

By Jeannie Hall, Contributing Writer

People who take Benadryl every night to sleep should probably think seriously about an alternative method….if they can remember to do so. A recent report published in JAMA Internal Medicine,  provides convincing evidence that frequent and long-term use of anticholinergic drugs like Benadryl raise the risk of dementia.

Want to Gain Weight? Drink Diet Soda

By Amy Burkholder, MS, Contributing Writer

Contrary to public expectations, consumption of diet sodas might actually be causing weight gain, rather than promoting weight loss. According to a recent study from the University of Texas, we may be able to fool our tastebuds, but we cannot fool our microbiomes.

Carotenoids May Prevent Macular Degeneration & Dementia

By Erik Goldman | Editor in Chief

kale-smDaily supplementation with plant-derived carotenoids can reduce the risk of age-associated macular degeneration, and may also have a role in prevention of Alzheimer’s disease, according to James Stringham, PhD, of the Nutritional Neuroscience Laboratory at the University of Georgia, Atlanta.

Is Neuro-Regeneration a Reality?

By Erik Goldman | Editor in Chief - Vol. 15, No. 2. , 2014

For generations, the prevailing medical wisdom has been that neurodegeneration is irreversible, and that adults simply cannot re-grow lost or damaged neurons.

Autologous Serum Therapy Offers New Option for Osteoarthritis

By Bianca Garilli, ND, Contributing Writer - Vol. 14, No. 3. , 2013

A new injection-based modality that uses the body’s own cytokines to reduce joint inflammation was recently introduced in the US, and it has great promise for relieving joint pain, back pain, tendonitis and other symptoms of osteoarthritis (OA).

Are Grains Destroying Our Brains?

By Erik Goldman - Vol. 14, No. 3. , 2013

In his forthcoming book, Grain Brain, functional neurologist David Perlmutter contends that America’s grain-heavy diet is a prime driver of dementia. That means dementia’s preventable, but it requires eliminating grain foods.